Using AppleScript automation how can I get currently opened Adobe reader file name

I tried below code

activate application "Adobe Reader"

tell application "System Events"
	tell process "Adobe Reader"
		set currentFile to active Document
	end tell
end tell

But I couldn’t get active document name, I tried this code by already with opened document. I don’t even find any dictionary for adobe reader in script Editor. Any suggestions will be much appreciated

AdobeReader has no AppleScript support.
When we trigger GUI scripting we have access to UI elements, not to documents.

tell application "System Events" to tell process "AdobeReader"
	set frontmost to true
	title of windows
end tell

Can we develop Adobe Plugins using apple script. I am quite new to plugins, please let me know if it achievable

Alas, you cannot use AppleScript for that.

Can you give me any heads on this, where to start, which tool or language can be used to develop plugins

I believe you need to get the development kit from Adobe. It used to be that they required C++, but it may be possible to use something like ExtendScript these days.

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