Unexpected window popped up


I’m not sure how you feel about this one. For SD7-lite and SD7-full if I have the cursor in the search field for the dictionary window and I type control-T the document window becomes active and covers the dictionary window and a new tab is added to the frontmost document window.


This is more an interface guidelines comment. The problem occurred when I pasted something into the search field for the dictionary window by pressing command-V and then moving my right hand up and pressing the letter T. That’s the field in the top right corner of the image below. Unfortunately I still had my left hand finger on the control key. It definitely surprised me when another window came to the top. I would expect that command keys would be directed to the top most window.


I’m confused, what were you expecting to happen? Command-T is the New Script Tab command. Command-T has no special meaning within a dictionary window.

Since Command-T resulted in a new document tab without first presenting the template chooser, I must assume that you’ve set a default script template.

As I said in my post I wasn’t sure how you would feel about the post, I’m not sure how I feel about it. It’s in a kind of gray area. In general when performing a particular kind of task you don’t want an entry into a field to bring up something unrelated. But adding a tab to a window could be an accident or the intended purpose. I wasn’t sure if I should even mention it but I thought you could decide.

When I am sure something is a problem I won’t say something like “I’m not sure.” But when I did testing in the past when I was developer (I did far more testing than developing) I passed on my thoughts and some were acted on and others weren’t. That’s sort of what I did here. You are the final decision maker as to what gets done.

As far as what I was expecting I can’t really say because it is a gray area. It normally works that when doing something like a dictionary operation things shouldn’t be happening in the actual scripting part (work with entering code) but the dictionary is not a modal dialog so that that makes it a gray area. The lack of a modal dialog is a design feature and it is far easier to use SD when it the dictionary is not something that’s modal. Hence it is a gray area. It’s something I was taught a long time ago. Perhaps it is outdated now.

Does this make sense?


Okay. In this instance, I think I can say that Script Debugger 7 is working as intended. Command-T creates a new script tab, even when you are viewing a dictionary.