Sparkle Issues in Ventura

@alldritt @ShaneStanley Not sure if anyone else is having similar issues but when I save an enhanced App and my customer runs the app on Ventura, the app unexpectedly quits right at the screen where it seeks permission to check for updates automatically. I believe it is the version of Sparkle your bundling. I tried replacing the framework after exporting as run only enhanced app and signing it but get an error Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle’ (no such file). Can you please update the beta with the latest version of sparkle frameworks? I believe they addressed this issue but have no way to test,

@ShaneStanley @alldritt
any advice or feedback?

Can you email me an app I can test here?

Sent to your email. Thanks

Although the version of Sparkle is not current, I’ve been doing extensive testing on a lot of versions of OS X and no longer convinced it is a Sparkle issue. They did report the bug being resolved in recent update. My issue happened at the same time as the Sparkle dialog of whether to check for updates automatically, when I removed code to assign statusBar image to it no longer occurred. So I modified the method I am defining NSImage eventually it seemed to resolve it.

No idea why this has tendency to unexpectedly error on Ventura OS but not Sonoma versions of OS:

Partial code causing issue in Ventura:

set appPath to POSIX path of (path to me as text)
set resourceLoc to appPath & “Contents/Resources/”
tell application “System Events” to set theImageString to name of (first file of folder resourceLoc whose name begins with imageSearchName)
set statusItemImage to myApp’s NSImage’s imageNamed:theImageString
set statusBarThickness to aStatusItem’s thickness() – Get thickness of the Status Bar
statusItemImage’s setSize:(myApp’s NSMakeSize((statusBarThickness - 4), (statusBarThickness - 4)))

Code that no longer errors:

set imageFilePath to POSIX path of (path to resource iconName) – icon name
set my statusItemImage to current application’s NSImage’s alloc()'s initWithContentsOfFile:imageFilePath
set statusBarThickness to (aStatusItem’s thickness()) - 4 – Get thickness of the Status Bar less 4
statusItemImage’s setSize:{statusBarThickness, statusBarThickness}

If anyone has any insight to why the original code was causing crashing it would be great.

No idea, but using System Events like that to search in a bundle would be something I’d like to see removed anyway.

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