Selecting a folder, creating alias and placing alias in a variable location

Hi All,

I have a script that creates a set of folders depending on input. This works fine but I’m trying to have the script also ask the user to select a folder on a different drive and create an alias of the folder and then place this alias into the set of folders that have been created.

At the moment the alias gets created and is placed on the desktop. How do I get this alias to sit into the set of folders that have been created?

Any help would be much appreciated.

tell application "Finder"
	display dialog "                                   FOLDER STRUCTURE     
Are you working on Creative or Studio work?" buttons {"Cancel", "Creative", "Studio"} default button 2
	if result = {button returned:"Creative"} then
		display dialog "                                  –––– JOB SETUP ––––
Has a Job Folder been set up already?" buttons {"Cancel", "No", "Yes"} default button 3
		if result = {button returned:"No"} then
			set JobNumber to text returned of (display dialog "                              –––– JOB NUMBER ––––
Please enter Job Number:" default answer "XXXX")
			set campaign to text returned of (display dialog "                                 –––– JOB NAME ––––
Please enter Job Name:" default answer "Job/Campaign Name")
			set DesignName to text returned of (display dialog "                               –––– CREATIVE WORK ––––
Please enter a description of what you intend to work on:" default answer "Item_Description")
			set thePath to alias "MOMO-SHARED:Studio:"
			set loc to choose folder with prompt "Press Choose" default location thePath
			set newfoldername to JobNumber & "_RBHY_" & campaign
			set newfo to make new folder at loc with properties {name:JobNumber & "_RBHY_" & campaign}
			set design to make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"••Creative"}
			set gen to make new folder at design with properties {name:JobNumber & "_RBHY_" & DesignName}
			set newfoldername to JobNumber & "_RBHY_" & DesignName
			set ArtPrevious to make new folder at gen with properties {name:"Design"}
			make new folder at ArtPrevious with properties {name:"Previous_Versions"}
			set ImagePrevious to make new folder at gen with properties {name:"Links"}
			make new folder at ImagePrevious with properties {name:"Previous_Versions"}
			set PDF to make new folder at gen with properties {name:"PDF"}
			set ClientPDF to alias "MOMO-SHARED:Group:PROJECT FOLDERS:"
			set f to choose folder with prompt "Choose Client PDF folder" default location ClientPDF
			make new alias file to f
		end if
	end if
end tell

Instead of:

		make new alias file to f

add an at parameter to the make command:

		make new alias file to f at ArtPrevious

If you need multiple copies, just make multiple aliases, one per location.

Thankyou! I actually needed it at newfo but thanks for the tip.