Thank you for sending me a crash report privately. Something in your script is causing AppleScript to go into an infinite recursion loop:
Thread 6:: WebCore: Scrolling
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18d802f54 mach_msg2_trap + 8
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18d815604 mach_msg2_internal + 80
2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18d80baf8 mach_msg_overwrite + 480
3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18d80329c mach_msg + 24
4 CoreFoundation 0x18d92ca3c __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 160
5 CoreFoundation 0x18d92b29c __CFRunLoopRun + 1212
6 CoreFoundation 0x18d92a724 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 588
7 CoreFoundation 0x18d9a59d0 CFRunLoopRun + 64
8 JavaScriptCore 0x1abaf6294 WTF::Detail::CallableWrapper<WTF::RunLoop::create(WTF::ASCIILiteral, WTF::ThreadType, WTF::Thread::QOS)::$_0, void>::call() + 52
9 JavaScriptCore 0x1abb2aff8 WTF::Thread::entryPoint(WTF::Thread::NewThreadContext*) + 244
10 JavaScriptCore 0x1ab9585b8 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 16
11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18d8442e4 _pthread_start + 136
12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18d83f0fc thread_start + 8
Thread 7 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: NSOperationQueue 0x125f8ff80 (QOS: UNSPECIFIED)
0 dyld 0x18d507ff8 DyldSharedCache::forEachCache(void (DyldSharedCache const*, bool&) block_pointer) const + 8
1 dyld 0x18d507fd8 DyldSharedCache::forEachRange(void (char const*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned int, unsigned long long, unsigned int, unsigned int, bool&) block_pointer, void (DyldSharedCache const*, unsigned int) block_pointer) const + 124
2 dyld 0x18d4f2890 dyld4::APIs::findImageMappedAt(void const*, dyld3::MachOLoaded const**, bool*, char const**, void const**, unsigned long long*, unsigned char*, dyld4::Loader const**) + 268
3 dyld 0x18d4f6338 dyld4::APIs::_dyld_find_unwind_sections(void*, dyld_unwind_sections*) + 124
4 libunwind.dylib 0x19b3d1df0 libunwind::UnwindCursor<libunwind::LocalAddressSpace, libunwind::Registers_arm64>::setInfoBasedOnIPRegister(bool) + 140
5 libunwind.dylib 0x19b3d4b10 libunwind::UnwindCursor<libunwind::LocalAddressSpace, libunwind::Registers_arm64>::step(bool) + 888
6 libunwind.dylib 0x19b3d6cb8 _Unwind_RaiseException + 456
7 libc++abi.dylib 0x18d7fcc7c __cxa_throw + 84
8 AppleScript 0x232e95908 Raise(long, long) + 156
9 AppleScript 0x232ed9868 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 120
10 AppleScript 0x232ed9874 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 132
11 AppleScript 0x232ed9874 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 132
12 AppleScript 0x232ed9874 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 132
13 AppleScript 0x232ed9874 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 132
14 AppleScript 0x232ed9874 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 132
15 AppleScript 0x232ed9874 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 132
16 AppleScript 0x232ed9874 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 132
17 AppleScript 0x232ed9874 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 132
18 AppleScript 0x232ed9874 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 132
19 AppleScript 0x232ed9874 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 132
20 AppleScript 0x232ed9874 TUASVector::WriteForTarget(AEStream&, unsigned char) + 132
This kind of thing happens while editing because Script Debugger is always looking for opportunities to show you the value of the AppleScript expression under your mouse pointer.
This kind of thing can happen if you have a circular parent/child script object relationship.
I think I’ll need to see the code you have along with any pointers you can offer for where to hover the mouse that causes the crash you are experiencing. We may be able to improve Script Debugger to avoid this crash or we may just have to change your script to avoid causing AppleScript its self to crash.