I can run this script (below) in Script Editor and it runs just fine. But if I run it in SD the ‘UI elements enabled’ returns false. So I add Script Debugger to the Accessibility list and make sure the checkbox next to it is checked. Running it again still give the dialog about UI elements enabled being false, but additionally, if I go look at the Accessibility list, the checkbox next to ScriptDebugger is unchecked now.
Any help is appreciated,
Sam Griffith
tell application "System Preferences"
set perform_changes to false
set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.displays"
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
set GUIScriptingEnabled to UI elements enabled
if GUIScriptingEnabled then
tell process "System Preferences"
set fourkwindow to windows contains "ASUS MG28U"
if fourkwindow is not false then
tell window "ASUS MG28U"
-- tab groups are a special kind of radio button
click the first radio button of the first tab group
tell the first pop up button of the first tab group
delay 1
tell menu 1
click menu item 1
set perform_changes to true
end tell
end tell
delay 3
if (perform_changes is true) then
tell the first sheet
click first button
end tell
end if
end tell
display dialog "No ASUS 4K monitor to set rotation on" giving up after 4
end if
end tell
display dialog "GUIScripting is not enabled" giving up after 2
end if
end tell
end tell
If I take out the UI elements enabled setter, since that is gone in 10.10 and after, then I get this bug:
System Events got an error: Script Debugger is not allowed assistive access.
This however does not uncheck the Script Debugger app in the Assistive list of apps.
So in summary, the app is in the list and checked as allowed but I get this error even with that set up correctly.
Thanks for input. That line of code does work in script editor.
Like I mentioned, the code works when I run it in Script Editor and does exactly what I want, which is to open up System Preferences, then open the Displays preference, then finds the window with the name “ASUS MG28U” and changes it’s rotation, then clicks the confirm button of the dialog that pops up.
NOTE: I got rid of the UI elements enabled stuff as it no longer works after 10.10
Full code
tell application "System Preferences"
set perform_changes to false
set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.displays"
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
tell process "System Preferences"
set fourkwindow to windows contains "ASUS MG28U"
if fourkwindow is not false then
tell window "ASUS MG28U"
-- tab groups are a special kind of radio button
click the first radio button of the first tab group
tell the first pop up button of the first tab group
delay 1
tell menu 1
click menu item 1
set perform_changes to true
end tell
end tell
delay 3
if (perform_changes is true) then
tell the first sheet
click first button
end tell
end if
end tell
display dialog "No ASUS 4K monitor to set rotation on" giving up after 4
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
##Replies Output from Running code in Script Editor (on laptop) NOTE: I’m running this on my laptop away from my external monitor that I wrote this script for (to rotate it to portrait or landscape mode), so there is only one window returned in the output below to do the contains check on. Normally there would be two or more.
tell application "System Preferences"
set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.displays"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
get every window of process "System Preferences"
--> {window "Built-in Retina Display" of application process "System Preferences"}
display dialog "No ASUS 4K monitor to set rotation on" giving up after 4
--> {button returned:"OK", gave up:false}
end tell
tell application "System Preferences"
end tell
As ou can see even without the code saying ‘name of windows contains “ASUS MG28U”’ that the return list has the window with it’s name string. (In this case ‘Built-in Retina Display’) and so the contains check works there.
block. That made it run. So I still find it confusing that if I tell the same app again that that would cause Script Debugger to say that it isn’t allowed assistive access. But I’m guessing that has something to do with reentrant code or something.
Anyway, thanks for the help and I hope my little bit of code that shows that even if you don’t say ‘name of windows contains “…”’ that you still get a list with window names was informative also.