RTF File RegexAndStuffLib Dictionary

@ShaneStanley, thanks again for creating and sharing your great Script Libraries, especially the RegexAndStuffLib.

I’m having a problem viewing the RegexAndStuffLib Dictionary.rtf file using MS Word 365 (16.30) in macOS 10.14.6.

Quick Look shows this:

When I open this RTF file in Word 365 it looks like this:

Word 365 is obviously having a problem displaying the table of “Parameters”.
I’ve tried many different things but can not make the table appear.

So, I’m wondering, what app did you create this RTF file in?
Any ideas on how to make Word 365 view it properly?

It’s just copied out of Script Debugger’s dictionary view, pasted into TextEdit, and a couple of edits done there before saving. I’m not sure why Word has a problem with it.

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Shane, no problem. Thanks for the explanation.

I just opened the RTF in TextEdit and created a PDF from there.
FWIW, I’d suggest just publishing a PDF, instead of RTF, for your documents.