RegEx Knife II in App Store

This is not Script Debugger related, but it may be of interest: RegEx Knife 2 is now available in the App Store:

RegEx Knife is a Regular Expression editor and tester for iPhone and iPad.

Mark (or anyone), do you have a RegEx tool for the Mac that you would recommend?

I’ve been using, and really like the RegEx builder/tester.
But it has a poor UI for saving and managing your library of RegEx.

No. I used to offer a RegEx editor/debugger (RegEx Knife builds on that old code) as part of my, now discontinued, Affrus Perl IDE. Not sure what to suggest for macOS these days.

Hey JM,

I’ve tried many over the last decade or so, and most of them aren’t very good.

I especially link Patterns and RegExRx.

I prefer not to buy from the app-store when possible.
