Thanks Ed. I can post some examples of the non-trivial handler documentation comments I have in my script libraries. The format I’ve been using was a little more python-inspired, but wasn’t chosen with machine-parsing in mind, unfortunately.
replaceText(s, search_string, replacement_string)
(* (string OR list of strings, string OR list of strings, string OR list of strings) → string OR list of strings
Return a copy of s with all instances of search_string replaced with replacement_string. s may be either a string or a list of strings. Search_string may be a list containing multiple substrings to be replaced by replacement_string; if replacement_string is also a list of substrings, then each substring in search_string will be sequentially replaced with the corresponding substring in replacement_string.
s [string OR list of strings] : The string(s).
search_string [string OR list of strings] : The substring, or list of substrings, to be replaced.
replacement_string [string OR list of strings] : The substring, or list of substrings, to replace the search string(s).
[string OR list of strings] : A copy of s with the appropriate substitutions made. *)
trimString(s, trim_from, trim_to, mode)
(* (string, string OR integer, string OR integer, string) → string
Return a copy of s, sliced from trim_from to trim_to (which may be search strings or indices), modified according to the options in mode. The default mode is to return the largest possible match for the given search strings, and to drop the search strings in the return value.
The following options are available:
F - Return the first possible match for the search strings.
U - Return the last possible match for the search strings.
K - Keep both the left and right search strings from the return value (same as “LR”).
L - Keep the left search string in the return value.
R - Keep the right search string in the return value.
I - Inverse mode. Remove the centre of the string instead of the ends.
S - Strict mode. Return an empty string if either of the search strings are not found.
s [string] : The string.
trim_from [string OR integer] : The substring (or index) marking the start of the trimming.
trim_to [string OR integer] : The substring (or index) marking the end of the trimming.
mode [string] : A list of options.
[string] : A copy of s trimmed from trim_from to trim_to according to the options given in mode. *)
(* (string) → string
Return the Unicode character name for every character in chars, each on its own line.
Requires Python 3.
chars [string] : The string of Unicode characters.
[string] : The Unicode character name for every character in the string, separated by a linefeed. *)
(* (file specifier) → string
Return the POSIX path of file_specifier, which may be a POSIX path (slash-delimited string), an HFS path (colon-delimited string), a file URL (POSIX file), an AppleScript alias, an AppleScript file reference, a Finder object, or a System Events object.
file_specifier [string OR file URL OR alias OR file OR “Finder” item OR “System Events” item] : A file object or path.
[string] : The POSIX path of file_specifier. *)
(* () → record of booleans
Return a record of booleans indicating which modifier keys are currently pressed; the record’s keys are ‘command’, ‘control’, ‘option’, ‘shift’, ‘fn’, and ‘caps’. Note that ‘caps’ indicates whether Caps Lock is active, independent of whether the button is physically depressed.
The result contains the following properties:
command [boolean] : True if the command key is currently pressed.
control [boolean] : True if the control key is currently pressed.
option [boolean] : True if the option/alt key is currently pressed.
shift [boolean] : True if the shift key is currently pressed.
fn [boolean] : True if the fn key is currently pressed.
caps [boolean] : True if the caps lock key is currently pressed.
[record of booleans] : A record indicating which modifier keys are currently pressed. *)
I could certainly make some kind of AppleScript that would pull these up, but it would require Script Debugger support to get Xcode-style quick help.