Odd Behaviour of Variables Pane

The following behavaiour has me really puzzled.

If I execute this script, and set a breakpoint at line 23 as indicated, the variables pane shows an unexpected view of the variable “theRecordList” if it is declared as a local variable.

If “theRecordList” is declared a local variable, then at the breakpoint, the variables pane shows the s_ID property in each record to be “0”, even though the script has changed the values. The values of s_ID have changed, because the new values are retrieved correctly in “theCheck1” variable - {10,11,12}

On the otherhand, if “theRecordList” is declared a global variable, then he variables pane shows the s_ID property in each record to be the latest value, i.e. 10,11,12.

What’s the reasoning behind the behaviour if the variable is local?


on someHandler()
	local settingIDctr, theRecord, dummy, theCheck1
	---global theRecordList
	local theRecordList
	set theRecordList to {}
	set end of theRecordList to {s_ID:0, s_Name:"Name1", s_Value:"some Value1", s_enable:true}
	set end of theRecordList to {s_ID:0, s_Name:"Name2", s_Value:"some Value2", s_enable:true}
	set end of theRecordList to {s_ID:0, s_Name:"Name3", s_Value:"some Value3", s_enable:true}
	set settingIDctr to 10
	repeat with theRecord in theRecordList
		set theRecord's s_ID to (get settingIDctr as integer)
		set settingIDctr to settingIDctr + 1
	end repeat
	set theCheck1 to {}
	repeat with theRecord in theRecordList
		set the end of theCheck1 to ((get theRecord's s_ID) as integer)
	end repeat
	theCheck1 -- set a breakpoint here
end someHandler

It’s a quirk of how AppleScript references used in the repeat with x in form behave. You will get the correct result if you instead use:

	repeat with i from 1 to count of theRecordList
		set s_ID of item i of theRecordList to (get settingIDctr as integer)
		set settingIDctr to settingIDctr + 1
	end repeat

Thanks Shane, that does work better.
Actually, the results in varable “theCheck1” (effectively an Applescript query of the result) works correctly either way, its just the results shown Script Debugger’s Variables Explorer seem to differ from the Applescript result.