The script gets an “Error -1763 occurred. Couldn’t write data because C and Objective-C pointers cannot be saved in script” while in the GetKeyFlags handler and then it highlights the “return ReturnObj” at end of “GetKeyFlags” handler and displays the error shown below.
If I turn debugging off the script runs with no problems. Is ASObj-C supposed to work with the debugger on? I’ve never tried that before. I uploaded the script to this post and the script listing is at the end of this post.
Here is the script listing.
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
property TheInterval : 1
on GetKeyFlags(IntegerNumber)
script ReturnObj
property Successful : false
property BinaryNumber : {}
property NumberOfBits : -1
end script
set TheBinaryNumber to {}
repeat while IntegerNumber ≥ 1
if (IntegerNumber mod 2) = 0 then
set TheBinaryNumber to {0} & TheBinaryNumber
set TheBinaryNumber to {1} & TheBinaryNumber
end if
set IntegerNumber to IntegerNumber div 2
end repeat
set (BinaryNumber of ReturnObj) to TheBinaryNumber as string
set (NumberOfBits of ReturnObj) to count of TheBinaryNumber
set (Successful of ReturnObj) to true
return ReturnObj
on error errMsg number errNum
display dialog "Error " & (errNum as string) & " occured." & return & return & errMsg ¬
buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with title "Error"
set (Successful of ReturnObj) to false
return ReturnObj
end try
end GetKeyFlags
delay 2
set StartTime to current application's NSDate's |date|()
set TheFlags to current application's NSEvent's modifierFlags() as integer
-- The "div 65536" stips off the lower 16 bits that do not carry any information about keys pressed.
set TheResult to GetKeyFlags(TheFlags div 65536)
if ((BinaryNumber of TheResult) = "1") then
return "CapsLock key"
else if ((BinaryNumber of TheResult) = "10") then
return "Shift key"
else if ((BinaryNumber of TheResult) = "100") then
return "Control key"
else if ((BinaryNumber of TheResult) = "1000") then
return "Option key"
else if ((BinaryNumber of TheResult) = "10000") then
return "Command key"
else if ((BinaryNumber of TheResult) = "100000") then
return "NumericPad"
else if ((BinaryNumber of TheResult) = "1000000") then
return "Help key"
else if ((BinaryNumber of TheResult) = "10000000") then
return "Function key"
end if
set EndTime to current application's NSDate's |date|()
set RunTime to EndTime's timeIntervalSinceDate:StartTime
return RunTime
key test (12.0 KB)