When the script that crashed was called it referenced a file path inside the “Affinity Designer” application package. This file path has been referenced before many times in the past without any problems. It just opens the help text in Safari instead of Apple’s help viewer. This particular time SD 8 was open and SD 8 crashed when the above script was run from inside SD8. Affinity Designer was also open but had not been used for close to 24 hours before this crash.
There was no disk file associated with this unsaved scrip that was run when the crash occurred.
The actual script in the unsaved window was:
tell application "Safari"
open location "file:///Applications/"
end tell
I’m having trouble uploading the crash report. I’ll upload it if I can. The upload is currently not seeing the .zip file. If I can’t upload the info I’ll email the text to you with a reference to the crash time 2021-03-02 18-39-10.000 -0800