I fixed the miss spelling of “case sensitive” in the script listing in the post, and in the applet (Bill Kopp 2/16/2018).
“Get super classes” is an applet that take a class name and returns a list of parent classes from, the class in question, up to NSObject. This is of value in ASObj-C because the classes inherit abilities from their parent classes. For example if “NSMutableArray” is entered the applet will return “NSObject–>NSArray–>NSMutableArray”. This means that things defined in NSMutableArray, NSArray and NSObject can be used for NSMutableArray.
If a person only looks in the documentation (Xcode, Dash, ASObj-C database, …) for NSMutableArray then they are missing a lot of things that could be used while working with a NSMutableArray.
The old version only worked for the “Foundation” framework. The new version works for “Foundation,” “AppKit,” “Quartz” and Carbon." What determine what the applet works on is the “use framework” statements at the beginning of the script. To add another framework you only have to add another “use framework” statement.
I have included the newest version of the applet in this post and the AppleScript code for the applet is listed below.
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use framework "Quartz"
use framework "Carbon"
on GetStringState(TheString)
-- Make sure TheString is really a string
set TheString to TheString as text
set LowercaseFound to false
set UpperCaseFound to false
set StringCharacter to characters of TheString
repeat with TheCharacter in StringCharacter
if (not LowercaseFound) then
set LowercaseFound to ((id of "a") ≤ (id of TheCharacter)) and ((id of TheCharacter) ≤ (id of "z"))
end if
if (not UpperCaseFound) then
set UpperCaseFound to ((id of "A") ≤ (id of TheCharacter)) and ((id of TheCharacter) ≤ (id of "Z"))
end if
end repeat
if (UpperCaseFound and LowercaseFound) then set State to "MixedCase"
if (not UpperCaseFound and not LowercaseFound) then set State to "NoLettersFound"
if (UpperCaseFound and not LowercaseFound) then set State to "AllUpperCase"
if (not UpperCaseFound and LowercaseFound) then set State to "AllLowerCase"
return State
end GetStringState
on GetClassNameAsString(TheClass)
-- Returns a string representation of the given class.
return (current application's NSStringFromClass(TheClass's |class|())) as text
end GetClassNameAsString
on GetInheritancePath(CurrentClassName)
script ReturnObj
property Successful : false
property ClassPath : ""
end script
local CurrentClass
local ClassPath
local NextClass
local TheClass
if (CurrentClassName = "NSObject") then return CurrentClassName
-- Create the class indicated by the given string. This needs to be done first so
-- later on the "super class" of the "current class" can be found.
-- If the the string entered by the user does not equate to a class then
-- NSClassFromString returns missing value.
set CurrentClass to current application's NSClassFromString(CurrentClassName)
if (CurrentClass = missing value) then
-- A valid class name was not entered
if (CurrentClassName = "") then
display dialog "No characters were entered as input." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with title "Error"
else if ((length of CurrentClassName) < 4) then
display dialog "Invalid input. Only " & (length of CurrentClassName) & " character(s) was input" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with title "Error"
set StringStatus to GetStringState(CurrentClassName)
if (StringStatus = "AllUpperCase") then
display dialog "Invalid input. All the text in the input, \"" & CurrentClassName & ",\" was all upper case." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with title "Error"
else if (StringStatus = "AllLowerCase") then
display dialog "Invalid input. All the text in the input, \"" & CurrentClassName & ",\" was all lower case." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with title "Error"
else if (StringStatus = "NoLettersFound") then
display dialog "Invalid input. There were no letters found in the input, \"" & CurrentClassName & "\"" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with title "Error"
display dialog "Invalid input. The entered text \"" & CurrentClassName & ¬
"\" does not appear to represent a valid class name." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with title "Error"
end if
end if
set (Successful of ReturnObj) to false
return ReturnObj
end if
set ClassPath to CurrentClassName
-- This loop keeps getting the suppclass of the the current class until
-- the current class is NSObject. All class inherit from NSObject.
repeat until (GetClassNameAsString(CurrentClass) = "NSObject")
-- Get the parent class of the CurrentClass
set NextClass to CurrentClass's superclass()
-- Convert the class of NextClass to a string equivalent so
-- the text can be can be appended to the ClassPath string and
-- can be compared again at the top loop.
set ClassName to GetClassNameAsString(NextClass)
-- Add newest string representation of the parent class to the
-- ClassPath.
set ClassPath to ClassName & "-->" & ClassPath
-- Start loop again with a new CurrentClass
set CurrentClass to NextClass
end repeat
set (ClassPath of ReturnObj) to ClassPath
set (Successful of ReturnObj) to true
return ReturnObj
on error errMsg number errNum
display dialog "Error " & (errNum as string) ¬
& " occured getting the inheritance path." & return & return & errMsg with title "Error" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
set (Successful of ReturnObj) to false
return ReturnObj
end try
end GetInheritancePath
display dialog ¬
"The class will be converted to an inheritance path" & return & ¬
"The input is case sensitive." with title "Enter a class" buttons {"OK", "Cancel"} default button "OK" default answer ""
set StartingClass to text returned of result
set TheResult to GetInheritancePath(StartingClass as text)
if (Successful of TheResult) then
display dialog ¬
"The arrow points to the class that is inheriting from its parent." with title ¬
"inheritance path" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" cancel button "OK" default answer (ClassPath of TheResult)
return false
end if
Get super classes 1.1.1.app.zip (65.9 KB)