Note that when I unzip the runtime app, it appears in all lower case, unlike what you show and what Dropbox shows. I have no idea what this means.
Sorry, but that’s it for me. I don’t have the time to continue to debug the installation process of your database. You may want to test the installation process on another Mac where FMP is not installed.
I’m creating a new link for the application. The app link has been used many time and worked so I didn’t think it could be a problem. If this doesn’t do it I don’t know what will. These are new links to all of the stuff.
I downloaded everything all over again from the site and it works without a problem. I can’t get it to fail no matter how hard I try. I have to assume there is something on your system that is not compatible with FileMaker Pro. I’ll have to think about this and see what I can do.
Since you don’t want to trouble shoot the installation it appears that using FileMaker on your Mac is not a solution that works for you. I might be able to come up with something not as good but still does something.
Is there some way to place the most recent version of the ASObj-C Database in Discourse such that everyone could download the newest version using the same link even when new versions come up. I’ve now got 16 sets of links with different amounts of information in them and with think fixed in some version but not others. The number of time something is linked by a reader is about 3 to 5 times for each thing that is linked. I’m just leaving a trail of out of date link behind me. Some very out of date. It’s hard to really getting anything going when every version means starting over with a new set of people.
Shane is there a way I could just get a place on your site where someone can click a link. Just that much would help a lot. I don’t need a page, just a place to put a link.
I did a quicky print to PDF on the samples in the in the database. I can probably clean and shorten it a bit but I wanted to see if you were interested in this as a pdf. You can search it for examples and read to see how things work. If this is something you are interested I can do this for the 3 types of samples: beginning, Intermediate and advanced. Most of the samples for now in the Intermediate level. I included the pdf file in this post. Let me know you are interested in my doing anything else with it. Other stuff like explanatory notes, in every class item and class, … get more complex. Probably the extra info stuff is doable. But I can’t commit a least month and most likely a lot more to making all the info available without a database in any way that is reasonably accessible. Preparing data to export to another database is hard enough but getting it to work in a different database is always a lot of work and I wouldn’t want to support a different database.
Without the database pdfs are about the best I can do for you. But I think they would be helpful.
I just noticed the name of the archive I just uploaded is named “Teaching company courses” I have automatic stuff set up and I do databases for the “Teaching company.” But I did upload the correct pdf. It’s just named wrong.
OK, these download links worked (very different from before). Dropbox actually show the file as a ZIP file, instead of the contents of the ZIP (as it did before). So I think your prior link to “FileMaker Pro files minus database” was bad.
Fortunately, I was able to open the DB file using the FileMaker Pro
My immediate reactions are:
Almost all text is too small, hard to read. Can I make it larger?
What do I do now? How do I use the DB?
May I suggest that you make a video (or maybe a series of videos), that show the various ways to use the ASObjC DB?
Here is a screenshot that shows the very small text:
I created a new ASObj-C version A16.1. This version just has only one change so I made it version 16.1. I added a third size to the database.
When looking at the “class items” window, there is a popup menu in the top left corner of the window. The image immediately following this paragraph shows a picture of this popup. It has the text “window size” below it. This popup allows the screen arrangement and text size size to be changed.
Originally there was the “2560 X 1440” size which is the screen for a 27 inch iMac. Then I added a “1280 X 735” for a laptop sized screen. I just added a new size called “2560 X 1440 (big text).” I changed the font size from 10 point size to 14 point. If you select “2560 X 1440 (big text)” you will get bigger text on the window. The image below show what the popup should look like after it is clicked.
The actual database file in the "ASObj-C Database A16.1.fmpur is very small so I just uploaded it to the discourse site. Try this bigger text size out and let me know how it works out.
(1) Shane Stanley’s work is the mother (father?) of my wokrs. His books are great and thoughtful. I read his post in AppleScript-users ML around Cocoa themes.
(2) I’ve been taken Apple’s 108 Mailing Lists for over 10 years (including Cocoa-Dev ML). And classify every MLs by AppleScript robot automatically.
(3) My e-books (PDF version) permits the copying text or the printing. So, you can translate them by Google or print it out. Only the modification action is not allowed.
(4) I have a great respect with Mark Alldritt, Shane Stanley & Bill Cheeseman. Mark is a man of gentle. If his words sounds sharp, my respect is not shaken or disappeared.
I started in AppleScript from the beginning when it was released back when Finder had its dictionary outside of Finder. At first I though it was a very odd language. But now it seem like the most natural language I know. I remember Shane’s name coming up here and there, and before I knew it was all over the place. Mark changed the way Applescript was done. All the serious scripters used Script Debugger. I definitely remember Bill Cheeseman.
But I also remember the first time I saw your site. It was one of the most amazing things I had seen with AppleScript. After the first day of checking it out I just stared at the Mac screen for a long time in amazement. Shane has done so much to teach others, Mark has provided amazing tool for scripters, but you blog has collected so much ASObj-C information that it is one the most amazing things I’ve come across in AppleScript. Thank you for all the hard work you put into that. And thanks to Shane, Mark and all the early AppleScript pioneers
To follow up, I suspect today’s post on status bar items will be of interest to quite a few people.
One hint about using Google translate – if you want to copy the code, do it in the original Japanese page, clicking on the Click Here to Open This Script link. Google translate tends to change the case of words in the code, which can play havoc with ASObjC.
So, I suggest you go straight to this, which worked:
Yes, this is interesting.
To state it simply, this script installs a new menu in the Apple Status Menu bar at the top of the screen.
The script provides a stub where you can hook in your on responses to a menu selection.
###AppleScript To Install New Menu in Apple Menu Bar
(includes Google translation of page prior to code)
I made one mod at the bottom to add menu title to display dialog.
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use scripting additions
-- Created 2017-03-03 by Takaaki Naganoya
-- 2017 Piyomaru Software
Status bar description 2
An AppleScript that creates a status bar item on the macOS menu bar.
I created a status bar from AppleScript and confirmed that I can create and register menus, but since it is troublesome to run with applet, I tried to be able to execute it as it is in Script Editor.
There was a problem with normal AppleScript not being able to prepare means to erase the status bar itself rather than having problems with execution / calling.
So I prepared a "Quit" item in the menu of the status bar I made and tried to delete the status bar item.
Although it is possible to designate Command Key etc. in the menu itself, it seems that it is not possible to obtain keyboard shortcuts with the status bar item (other tools are like that), it seems like that.
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
property aStatusItem : missing value
on run
init() of me
end run
on init()
set aList to {"Piyomaru", "Software", "", "Takaaki", "Naganoya", "", "Quit"}
set aStatusItem to current application's NSStatusBar's systemStatusBar()'s statusItemWithLength:(current application's NSVariableStatusItemLength)
aStatusItem's setTitle:"🚗"
aStatusItem's setHighlightMode:true
aStatusItem's setMenu:(createMenu(aList) of me)
end init
on createMenu(aList)
set aMenu to current application's NSMenu's alloc()'s init()
set aCount to 1
repeat with i in aList
set j to contents of i
if j is not equal to "" then
set aMenuItem to (current application's NSMenuItem's alloc()'s initWithTitle:j action:"actionHandler:" keyEquivalent:"")
set aMenuItem to (current application's NSMenuItem's separatorItem())
end if
(aMenuItem's setTarget:me)
(aMenuItem's setTag:aCount)
(aMenu's addItem:aMenuItem)
if j is not equal to "" then
set aCount to aCount + 1
end if
end repeat
return aMenu
end createMenu
on actionHandler:sender
set aTag to tag of sender as integer
set aTitle to title of sender as string
if aTitle is not equal to "Quit" then
## @JMichaelTX Mod: ADD "with title"
display dialog aTag as string with title aTitle
current application's NSStatusBar's systemStatusBar()'s removeStatusItem:aStatusItem
end if
end actionHandler:
In case anyone is interested I did download one of the 2 AppleScript books Takaaki Naganoya wrote and started to translate it. It is hard to read the book with translate, read, translate, read, … So I just started to translate the entire book and then I’ll read it.
If anyone is interested I enclosed a pdf of the front cover of the book. I can’t show more then that because even tho it is a translated book Takaaki Naganoya owns the original words and translation is a by definition a derivative work. Therefore I would have to have Takaaki’s permission to show more then that. But his Japanese front cover had a list of what was in the book so the translation of the book does as well.
If you are interested in an english translation I can send it to you after I am done. Then you could sell a Japanese and English version. I wouldn’t expect anything for the translation because I’m translating for my own benefit and that is enough for me. Your book is different than the others I’ve read. It has less examples and more description then I’m used to which causes it to cover things in different ways. Therefore I learn different things from your book then I do from the American books. The history part of the book was interesting.
I know the "womomium "word in the translation is wrong in the top right corner. That was the only translation I could find and so I just put in there even though it was wrong. But I was windering what series is this book part of.