Myriad Tables Question regarding buttons

Hi Everyone,
I posted a similar question over at MacScripter and it was suggested that I pop over here to ask the same basic question, Is there anyway to get a UI Element into a Myriad Tables layout that will act like a 4th button?

Here is my code:

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use script "Myriad Tables Lib" version "1.0.9"

property theCheckbox : missing value
property thePopup : missing value
property theAccessoryView : missing value

set bobB to "Apple, Orange"
set carB to "Peach, Plum, Apple"
set chrisT to "Orange, Pineable, Mango, Cherry, Black Berry, Passion Fruit, Apple, Grape, Kiwi, Nectarine, Peach, Plum"
set danB to "Nectarine, Cherry, Apple"
set jamesB to "Orange, Pineable, Mango"
set johnS to "Kiwi, Apple, Grape"
set rayC to "Apple, Orange, Passion Fruit"
set rudyC to "Grape, Orange"
set shanS to "Orange"
set xC to "Apple"
-- This table has a column of combo boxes

set theData to {{"Chris Tierney", chrisT, true, "1"}, {"Bob Black", bobB, true, "1"}, {"Carmen Brown", carB, true, "1"}, {"Dan Brown", danB, true, "1"}, {"Ray Coz", rayC, true, "1"}, {"James Brown", jamesB, true, "1"}, ¬
	{"John Smith", johnS, true, "1"}, {"Rudy Cox", rudyC, true, "1"}, {"Shannon Smith", shanS, true, "1"}, {"Xavier Crux", xC, true, "1"}}
set checkUncheck to "Uncheck"
	if current application's NSThread's isMainThread() as boolean then
		my createCheckBoxMainThread:{"Zero Label Count", "checkboxClicked:"}
		my buildAccessoryViewMainThread:{theCheckbox}
		my performSelectorOnMainThread:"createCheckBoxMainThread:" withObject:{"Zero Label Count", "checkboxClicked:"} waitUntilDone:true
		my performSelectorOnMainThread:"buildAccessoryViewMainThread:" withObject:{theCheckbox} waitUntilDone:true
	end if
	set myTable to make new table with data theData editable columns {3, 4} column headings {"Person", "Fruit", "", "# of Labels"} with prompt "Print Labels For:" with title "Label Printing Options" with empty selection allowed
	modify table myTable extra button name checkUncheck accessory view theAccessoryView
	set theAccessoryView to missing value
	set theResult to display table myTable
	set theState to theCheckbox's state() as boolean
	set theCheckbox to missing value -- to avoid error messages when saving
	if button number of theResult is 2 then
		if theState is true then
			set theData to {{"Chris Tierney", chrisT, true, "0"}, {"Bob Black", bobB, true, "0"}, {"Carmen Brown", carB, true, "0"}, {"Dan Brown", danB, true, "0"}, {"Ray Coz", rayC, true, "0"}, {"James Brown", jamesB, true, "0"}, ¬
				{"John Smith", johnS, true, "0"}, {"Rudy Cox", rudyC, true, "0"}, {"Shannon Smith", shanS, true, "0"}, {"Xavier Crux", xC, true, "0"}}
		end if
		set trueFalse to item 3 of item 1 of theData
		if trueFalse is true then
			repeat with i from 1 to (count theData)
				set item 3 of item i of theData to false
			end repeat
			set checkUncheck to "Check"
			repeat with i from 1 to (count theData)
				set item 3 of item i of theData to true
			end repeat
			set checkUncheck to "Uncheck"
		end if
		if button number of theResult is 1 then
		end if
	end if
end repeat
on createCheckBoxMainThread:theArg
	set {theTitle, theAction} to theArg as list
	-- build a checkbox
	set my theCheckbox to current application's NSButton's alloc()'s initWithFrame:{{10, 10}, {150, 18}}
	tell theCheckbox
		its setButtonType:(current application's NSSwitchButton)
		its setTitle:theTitle
		its setTarget:me
		its setAction:theAction -- a handler in this script
	end tell
end createCheckBoxMainThread:

on buildAccessoryViewMainThread:theControls
	set my theAccessoryView to current application's NSView's alloc()'s initWithFrame:{{0, 0}, {160, 60}}
	repeat with aControl in theControls
		(theAccessoryView's addSubview:aControl)
	end repeat
end buildAccessoryViewMainThread:

-- this is called when the checkbox is clicked
on checkboxClicked:sender
	-- how to make this change all the values in column 4 to 0's and then show the dialog again?
end checkboxClicked:

What I would like to be able to do, is take the values in the 4th column and set them all to zero in a single click. I am guessing/hoping there might be a way, using the on checkboxClicked:sender handler to do this, but I can not think of how. If you run my code, you will see that I am already using the 3rd button that MT provides to check/uncheck the checkboxes in column 3.


Here’s a thought. You could make the Check/Uncheck all a check box with the zero labels, and then change the name of the Check/Uncheck box to “Refresh” or “Apply Options”

No, you can’t do that. Nearest would be to close the dialog, then open it again with adjusted figures and the same position.

@estockly are you suggesting there might be a way of putting in a second checkbox into that dialog box?


I think I will do is use the popup menu from your accessory view example, and just give the options to do nothing, clear column 3, clear column 4, or clear both, and make the extra button a refresh button.

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Yes. As long as you use unique variable names where appropriate you can.