Myriad Tables issue with column display for reals

The above table is created using Shane’s great Myriad Tables framework. However, I have an issue with the appearance of real numbers. You can see that in the % change column I have had to force the value, which is the percentage change of price 1 and price 2, to display by multiplying it by 10,000.

The displayed data array looks like this:
‘’‘{{date “Wednesday, 5 October 2022 at 00:00:00”, 10.18, 0, 0, 0.6, “1,338,791”}, {date “Thursday, 6 October 2022 at 00:00:00”, 10.03, -15.0, -147.347740667977, 0.6, “318,640”}, {date “Friday, 7 October 2022 at 00:00:00”, 9.95, -8.0, -79.760717846461, 0.15, “608,749”}, {date “Monday, 10 October 2022 at 00:00:00”, 9.71, -24.0, -241.206030150752, 0.31, “157,609”}, {date “Tuesday, 11 October 2022 at 00:00:00”, 9.74, 3.0, 30.895983522141, 0.17, “389,795”}, {date “Wednesday, 12 October 2022 at 00:00:00”, 9.73, -1.0, -10.266940451745, 0.21, “405,043”}, {date “Thursday, 13 October 2022 at 00:00:00”, 9.9, 17.0, 174.717368961974, 0.41, “313,572”}} ‘’’

The table creation is done with:
‘’’ set theTable to make new table with data table_data column headings column_headings with prompt “API Result for: iShares Core UK Gilts ETF GBP Dist (IGLT.L) stock historical prices & data – Yahoo Finance” with row numbering
modify columns in table theTable head alignment align right real format “#,##0.000;-#,##0.000” ‘’’

Is there something I can do to present the ‘price change’ and ‘percentage change’ columns correctly without having to scale the values up to integers?

EDITED: The script needed a row template. Without it MT uses the first row as the template and since some of the numbers in the first row were integers it displayed them as integers, not reals.

Also, if you look at the table displayed in the script below, some of the real formatting is still wrong. (Some numbers have four digits after the decimal).

This is something for @ShaneStanley to look at.

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
use script "Myriad Tables Lib"

set table_Data to {¬
   {date "Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 12:00:00 AM", 10.18, 1.1, 1.1, 0.6, "1,338,791"}, ¬
   {date "Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 12:00:00 AM", 10.03, -15.0, -147.347740667977, 0.6, "318,640"}, ¬
   {date "Friday, October 7, 2022 at 12:00:00 AM", 9.95, -8.0, -79.760717846461, 0.15, "608,749"}, ¬
   {date "Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 12:00:00 AM", 9.71, -24.0, -241.206030150752, 0.31, "157,609"}, ¬
   {date "Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 12:00:00 AM", 1239.74, 4563.0, 30.895983522141, 0.17, "389,795"}, ¬
   {date "Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 12:00:00 AM", 9.73, -1.0, -10.266940451745, 0.21, "405,043"}, ¬
   {date "Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 12:00:00 AM", 9.9, 17.0, 174.717368961974, 0.41, "313,572"}}

set column_headings to {"Date", "Px Close", "Px Chge *100", "px% Ch *10,000", "Hi-Lo Range", "Volume"}

set theTable to make new table with data table_Data ¬
   column headings column_headings ¬
  row template {date, real, real, real, real, text} ¬
 with prompt ("API Result for: iShares Core UK Gilts ETF GBP Dist (IGLT.L) stock historical prices & data – Yahoo Finance") ¬
   with row numbering
--Adding a row template helps. 
--modify columns
set columnsToModify to {2, 3, 4, 5} -- Number List
set headAlignment to align right
set realFormat to "#,##0.000#;-#,##0.000#"

modify columns in table theTable ¬
   head alignment headAlignment ¬
   real format realFormat
--columns list columnsToModify --(to target individual columns)

set givingUpAfter to 0
set extendedResults to true

set tableResult to display table theTable ¬
   giving up after givingUpAfter ¬
   extended results extendedResults

tell tableResult
   set rowsSelected to its rows selected
   set valuesSelected to its values selected
   set valuesReturned to its values returned
   set deletedRows to its deleted rows
   set addedRows to its added rows
   set orderOfRows to its order of rows
   set finalPosition to its final position
end tell

→ Mac OS Version 11.6.8 (20G730)
→ Script Debugger 8.0.5 (8A61)
→ Myriad Tables Lib 1.0.13

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Here’s a thought, though, you might try using a row template.

If you don’t provide one, MT uses the first row of a table as the template, and that might be overriding the real formatting.

I’ll give that a try in a few.

	row template {date, real, real, real, real, text} ¬

That seems to solve the original problem, but it seems negative numbers are still given an extra digit after the decimal.

(I’ll add that line to the script I posted above)

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Except that’s not what your code is doing. You have:

Which means include a fourth decimal digit if there is one.

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Thanks Ed, I was a bit puzzled as to why in some cases, of other tables, this was happening sporadically. Thanks for your suggestion and example of using a template structure, and the insight of the first row type values being applied.

I will apply this tomorrow morning and report back. Much appreciated.

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Thanks Ed, success due to your suggestion. I attach an updated screenshot of the result.
I went back and re-read (again) the Myriad Tables Lib readMe text file to understand how I missed it and this was not obvious, to me at least (I emphasize I am not criticising the doc at all, but rather express my thanks for it).
Thanks for your time and help.

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If anybody is interested in the full process I used, I set out the full example below, with some annotations. Of course, it requires some error trapping and further development.

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use script "Myriad Tables Lib" version "1.0.9"
--property theCheckbox : missing value
property thePopup : missing value
property theAccessoryView : missing value

--Some examples of Fixed Income ETF tickers for reference:
set theURL to "" --US Govt Bonds
set theURL to "" --AUD Govt Bonds
set theURL to "" --CAD Govt Bonds
set theURL to "" --GBP Corporate Bonds
set theURL to "" --GBP Gilts 1-5 years
set theURL to "" --GBP Gilts 15+ years

set theURL to "" --GBP Gilts all maturities

--::To get the data
set theText to ""
--repeat with currentURL in theURL
set theData to do shell script "/usr/bin/curl " & theURL & " | /usr/bin/textutil -stdin -convert txt -stdout" -- get URL & strip formatting
--return theData
set theContents to paragraphs of theData as list
set theLength to length of theContents

--cleanup procedure on junk data
set startItems_to_discard to 50 --there are 50 junk values to be discarded from the start--this could change
set endItems_to_discard to 27 --there are 27 junk values to be discarded from the end --this could also change
set theDataLength to (theLength - endItems_to_discard)
set theContentsBody to items startItems_to_discard thru theDataLength of theContents --!!!!!!!!!! This could change
--return theContentsBody

--the headers may change: here are two observed cases so far:
set thedataHeaders to items 1 thru 9 of theContentsBody
if item 1 of thedataHeaders is in {"Currency in GBP"} then
	set theHeaders to items 3 thru 9 of thedataHeaders
	set theHeaderPoint to 10
	set theHeaders to items 1 thru 6 of thedataHeaders
	set theHeaderPoint to 7
end if
set theHeadersLength to length of theHeaders
--return {theHeaders, theContentsBody}

set theContentsBodyLength to the count of theContentsBody --about 733 items
--this tries to keep the headers and body data in sync depending on which headers have been received
set theContentsBodyData to items theHeaderPoint thru theContentsBodyLength of theContentsBody
--return {theHeaders, theContentsBodyData}

--prepare to create a list of lists by variable types
set theDates to {}
set theHighs to {}
set theLows to {}
set theDailyRange to {}
set theClosingPrice to {}
set theClosingPriceChange to {}
set theVolume to {}

repeat with i from 1 to the count of theContentsBodyData by (count of theHeaders) --6
	log "aDateString" & item i of theContentsBodyData
		set aDateString to item i of theContentsBodyData
		set aDateObject to date aDateString
		set the end of theDates to aDateObject
		set aHigh to item (i + 2) of theContentsBodyData
		set aLow to item (i + 3) of theContentsBodyData
		set aRange to (aHigh * 1 - aLow * 1)
		set the end of theDailyRange to aRange
		set aClose to item (i + 5) of theContentsBodyData
		log "aClose is: " & item (i + 5) of theContentsBodyData
		set the end of theClosingPrice to (aClose * 1)
		set aVolume to ((item (i + 6) of theContentsBodyData) * 1) as integer
		set the end of theVolume to aVolume
	end try
end repeat
--yahoo presents the data in descending chronological order, we need to reverse this
set orderedDates to the reverse of theDates
set orderedRanges to the reverse of theDailyRange
set orderedCloses to the reverse of theClosingPrice
set orderedVolumes to the reverse of theVolume
set orderedPriceChanges to {}

--calculate price percentage change:
set orderedPricePercentageChanges to {}
repeat with i from 1 to the count of orderedCloses
	if i = 1 then
		set thePrevClose to item 1 of orderedCloses
		set thePriceChange to 0
		set thePricePercentageChge to 0
		set thePrevClose to item (i - 1) of orderedCloses
		set theClose to item i of orderedCloses
		set thePricePercentageChge to (((theClose / thePrevClose) - 1) * 100)
		set thePriceChange to (theClose - thePrevClose) * 100
	end if
	set the end of orderedPriceChanges to thePriceChange
	set the end of orderedPricePercentageChanges to thePricePercentageChge
end repeat
--shift the values up one row to correctly align them
set percentageChangeListLength to length of my orderedPricePercentageChanges
set adjusted_orderedPricePercentageChanges to items 2 thru percentageChangeListLength of orderedPricePercentageChanges
set the beginning of adjusted_orderedPricePercentageChanges to 0
set orderedPricePercentageChanges to adjusted_orderedPricePercentageChanges
--return {orderedPricePercentageChanges, adjusted_orderedPricePercentageChanges}

--calculate volume percentage change:
set theVolumeChange to {}
set theVolumePercentageChange to {}
repeat with i from 1 to the count of orderedVolumes
	if i = 1 then
		set thePrevVolume to item 1 of orderedVolumes
		set theVolumeChge to 0
		set theVolPctChange to 0
		set thePrevVolume to item (i - 1) of orderedVolumes
		set theVolume to item i of orderedVolumes
		set theVolume to theVolume * 1
		set theVolumeChge to (theVolume - thePrevVolume) * 1
		set theVolPctChange to ((theVolumeChge / 100) / thePrevVolume) * 100
	end if
	set the end of theVolumeChange to theVolumeChge
	set the end of theVolumePercentageChange to theVolPctChange
	--set the end of theVolumePercentageChange to {}
end repeat

--adjust variable naming to generic handlers:
set cleaned_LoL to {orderedDates, orderedCloses, orderedPriceChanges, orderedPricePercentageChanges, orderedRanges, orderedVolumes, theVolumeChange, theVolumePercentageChange}
set column_headings to theHeaders
--hard coding the headers for now:
set column_headings to {"Date", "Px Close", "Px Chge (bps)", "Px Chge (%)", "Hi-Lo Range", "Volume", "Volume Chge", "Volume Chge (%)"}

--merge the lists to create a table of rows, the two variables below, if true, add tab delimiters and carriage returns
set carriageReturn to false
set dataTab to false

--generate the Myriad table, with popup accessory, with the data:
set table_data to my toGenerateTable(cleaned_LoL, carriageReturn, dataTab) --merges lists into a set of row lists for table display
set theTable to my make_dataTable_withAccessory(table_data, column_headings)
set theAction to item 1 of theTable

---process the result of any popup selection: note that only Keynote Chart and Keynot Table are created
if theAction is "Select an action" then --no action was chosen
	return {column_headings, table_data}
	--Keynote Charts created using applescript do not like decimal points with small numbers, so a table is created to faciliate copy and paste into chart editor.
else if theAction is "Export to Keynote Chart" then
	set keynote_Table_dataLoL to a reference to cleaned_LoL
	set theDatesData to item 1 of keynote_Table_dataLoL
	--in other api types that include UTF time, time would be item 2
	--set theColumnData to items 3 thru length of keynote_Table_dataLoL --item 2 is time, dont need it in this version
	--this api does not give us time, so we dont skip item 2 of table data:
	set theColumnData to items 2 thru length of keynote_Table_dataLoL
	--set xAxisRowData to theDatesData:
	set xAxisRowData to item 1 of my convert_cleanedLoL_datesToString(cleaned_LoL) --only wants date strings
	-->{"10/02/2023", "13/02/2023", "14/02/2023", "15/02/2023", "16/02/2023"}
	set bodyData_as_listOfLists to theColumnData
	--return bodyData_as_listOfLists
	set chartData to my toGenerateTable(bodyData_as_listOfLists, carriageReturn, dataTab)
	set columnHeaders to column_headings
	set columnHeaders to text items 3 thru length of columnHeaders --remove Date and Time headers
	---to first place a table in the slide for updating chart values to show decimals, when working with rates
	set data_for_KeynoteTable to a reference to cleaned_LoL
	set data_for_KeynoteTable to my convert_cleanedLoL_datesToString(cleaned_LoL) --creates LoL for body data only, the dates and column are in separate single lists
	set keynote_tableData to my toGenerateTable(data_for_KeynoteTable, false, false) --creates table array
	---to place a chart in the slide for updating  values to show decimals using table created:
	set createChart to my generateKeynoteLineChart(xAxisRowData, columnHeaders, chartData, keynote_tableData) --groupByColumns : the table is created first and this is fine
else if theAction is "Export to Keynote Table" then
	set data_for_KeynoteTable to a reference to cleaned_LoL
	set data_for_KeynoteTable to my convert_cleanedLoL_datesToString(cleaned_LoL)
	set keynote_tableData to my toGenerateTable(data_for_KeynoteTable, false, false) --creates table array
	--the handler below creates and populates a Keynote table, cell by cell, it is much, much, faster with large data sets to pass the data formatted as csv text to the clipboard and then paste, but this is an example
	set keynote_table to my generateKeynoteTable(keynote_tableData) --works
	--other actions not created yet
end if

---Keynote Handlers------
on convert_cleanedLoL_datesToString(cleaned_LoL)
	set theDatesColumn to item 1 of cleaned_LoL
	set the_bodyData to items 2 thru length of cleaned_LoL
	set theDateStringColumn to {}
	repeat with i from 1 to count of theDatesColumn
		set anItem to item i of theDatesColumn
			set aDateString to short date string of anItem
			set the end of theDateStringColumn to aDateString
		on error
			set aDateString to anItem
			set the end of theDateStringColumn to aDateString
		end try
	end repeat
	set the beginning of the_bodyData to theDateStringColumn
	return the_bodyData
end convert_cleanedLoL_datesToString

on generateKeynoteTable(data_for_KeynoteTable) --groupByColumns
	--row height for data should be 32 pt
	--row width for data should be 127 pt
	set tablePosition to {1077, 178} -- this is 1/3rd from right hand edge
	set tablePosition to {50, 50} -- this is 1/3rd from right hand edge
	set columnCount to length of item 1 of data_for_KeynoteTable
	set rowCount to length of data_for_KeynoteTable
	tell application "Keynote"
		set thisDocument to front document
		tell thisDocument
			set thisSlide to make new slide with properties {base layout:slide layout "Blank"} --"Title - Top"} --"Title - Top" / "Title, Bullets & Photo" /"Title, Bullets & Photo"/"Photo - Vertical"
			--	set thisSlide to the first slide
			tell thisSlide
				--set the object text of the default title item to "Grouped by Column"
				set thisTable to ¬
					make new table with properties ¬
						{column count:columnCount, row count:rowCount, footer row count:1, header column count:1, header row count:0, position:tablePosition}
				set rowIndex to 0
				set columnIndex to 0
				tell thisTable
					set the rowCellCount to count of cells of row 2
					repeat with i from 1 to count of the data_for_KeynoteTable
						set thisRowData to item i of the data_for_KeynoteTable
						tell row (rowIndex + i)
							repeat with q from 1 to count of thisRowData
								tell cell (columnIndex + q)
									set value to item q of thisRowData
								end tell --cell
							end repeat
						end tell --row
					end repeat
				end tell --table
				--set slideProperties to get its properties
			end tell --slide
		end tell --document
	end tell
end generateKeynoteTable

on generateKeynoteLineChart(xAxisRowData, columnHeaders, chartData, data_for_KeynoteTable) --groupByColumns
	set tablePosition to {1077, 178} -- this is 1/3rd from right hand edge
	set columnCount to length of item 1 of data_for_KeynoteTable
	set rowCount to length of data_for_KeynoteTable
	tell application "Keynote"
		--the chart default position is x:y, 300:388, and size is W:H 1483:538 ppoints--the widescreen format is height 1080 width 1920
		--set thisDocument to make new document with properties ¬
		{height:1080, width:1920} --Black would also work--"LatAm Avenir Automator v 2"
		set thisDocument to front document
		tell thisDocument
			set thisSlide to make new slide with properties {base layout:slide layout "Blank"} --"Title - Top"} --"Title - Top" / "Title, Bullets & Photo" /"Title, Bullets & Photo"/"Photo - Vertical"
			tell thisSlide
				--Here you would create a Slide Title
				--	set the object text of the default title item to "Grouped by Column"
				set thisTable to ¬
					make new table with properties ¬
						{column count:columnCount, row count:rowCount, footer row count:1, header column count:1, header row count:0, position:tablePosition}
				set rowIndex to 0
				set columnIndex to 0
				tell thisTable
					set the rowCellCount to count of cells of row 2
					repeat with i from 1 to count of the data_for_KeynoteTable
						set thisRowData to item i of the data_for_KeynoteTable
						tell row (rowIndex + i)
							repeat with q from 1 to count of thisRowData
								tell cell (columnIndex + q)
									set theItemValue to item q of thisRowData
									--Remove zeros and replace with "" for chart, otherwise chart will have spikes
									if theItemValue = 0 then
										set theItemValue to ""
									end if
									--	set value to item q of thisRowData
									set value to theItemValue
								end tell --cell
							end repeat
						end tell --row
					end repeat
				end tell --table
				set thisChart to add chart row names xAxisRowData ¬
					column names columnHeaders ¬
					data chartData ¬
					type line_2d ¬
					group by chart column
				--other aspects will need GUI Scripting --see SD Forum or macscripter
				tell chart 1
					set its height to 857
					set its width to 763
					set its position to {184, 148}
				end tell
				--set slideProperties to get its properties
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end generateKeynoteLineChart

-------LOOPING HANDLERS: ## PPD 1 - ## PPD 2 ------- ###
## PPD 2- post process data
on toGenerateTable(listOfLists, carriageReturn, dataTab) --{list1, list2, list3}
	set theTable to {} --set an output list
	set theListCount to count of items of listOfLists --count the number of columns for populating one row
	set theItemsCount to count of items of item 1 of listOfLists --count the number of rows we need to process
	repeat with i from 1 to theItemsCount --Outer Loop
		set theRowNumber to i
		set theRow to my populateOneRowWithColumns(theRowNumber, listOfLists, dataTab) --Inner Loop
		if carriageReturn is false then
			set the end of theTable to theRow
			set the end of theTable to theRow & return
		end if
	end repeat
	return theTable
end toGenerateTable

## PPD 1- post process data
on populateOneRowWithColumns(theRowNumber, listOfLists, dataTab) --processs values for toGenerateTable
	set theRowData to {}
	set theListCount to count of items of listOfLists --3
	set n to theRowNumber
	if dataTab is true then
		repeat with i from 1 to theListCount
			set the end of theRowData to (item n of item i of listOfLists) & tab
		end repeat
		return theRowData
		repeat with i from 1 to theListCount
				set theItem to (item n of item i of listOfLists)
				set the end of theRowData to theItem
			on error
				display dialog "Handler: toGenerateTable:populateOneRowWithColumns: Error populating table row with columns; i is:" & i
			end try
		end repeat
		return theRowData
	end if
end populateOneRowWithColumns


---advanced table with accessory: ASOBJC
on make_dataTable_withAccessory(table_data, column_headings)
	set popupList to {"Select an action", "Export to Keynote Chart", "Export to Numbers", "Export to Keynote Table", "Export to Grapher", "Export to CSV"}
	-- Manipulation of views should be done on the main thread
	if current application's NSThread's isMainThread() as boolean then
		--my createCheckBoxMainThread:{"Check me", "checkboxClicked:"}
		my createPopupMainThread:{popupList, "Select an action"}
		my buildAccessoryViewMainThread:{theCheckbox, thePopup}
		my buildAccessoryViewMainThread:{thePopup}
		--my performSelectorOnMainThread:"createCheckBoxMainThread:" withObject:{"Check me", "checkboxClicked:"} waitUntilDone:true
		my performSelectorOnMainThread:"createPopupMainThread:" withObject:{popupList, "Select an action"} waitUntilDone:true
		--	my performSelectorOnMainThread:"buildAccessoryViewMainThread:" withObject:{theCheckbox, thePopup} waitUntilDone:true
		my performSelectorOnMainThread:"buildAccessoryViewMainThread:" withObject:{thePopup} waitUntilDone:true
	end if
	-- make a table and add the accessory view
	--{"Date", "Px Close", "Px Chge *100", "Px% Chg *10,000", "Hi-Lo Range", "Volume"}
	--{"Date", "Px Close", "Px Chge (bps)", "Px Chge (%)",  "Hi-Lo Range", "Volume", "Volume Chge", "Volume Chge (%)"}
	set row_template to {date, real, real, real, real, integer, integer, real}
	--set theTable to make new table with data {"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five"}
	set theTable to make new table with data table_data column headings column_headings row template row_template with prompt "API Result for:" with row numbering
	modify columns in table theTable head alignment align right real format "#,##0.000;-#,##0.000"
	--modify table theTable  column dragging 
	modify table theTable column widths pattern {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1} --sets width of columns to that of column 1
	modify table theTable accessory view theAccessoryView
	set theAccessoryView to missing value -- to avoid error messages when saving
	display table theTable
	-- get the state of the checkbox
	--set theState to theCheckbox's state() as boolean
	--set theCheckbox to missing value -- to avoid error messages when saving
	set theAction to thePopup's title() as text
	set thePopup to missing value
	--display dialog theValue
	return {theAction, column_headings, table_data}
end make_dataTable_withAccessory
(* Dont need check box:
on createCheckBoxMainThread:theArg
	set {theTitle, theAction} to theArg as list
	-- build a checkbox
	set my theCheckbox to current application's NSButton's alloc()'s initWithFrame:{{10, 10}, {150, 18}}
	tell theCheckbox
		its setButtonType:(current application's NSSwitchButton)
		its setTitle:theTitle
		its setTarget:me
		its setAction:theAction -- a handler in this script
	end tell
end createCheckBoxMainThread:
on createPopupMainThread:theArg
	set {entryList, defaultValue} to theArg as list
	set my thePopup to current application's NSPopUpButton's alloc()'s initWithFrame:{{10, 35}, {150, 26}} pullsDown:false
	thePopup's addItemsWithTitles:entryList
	thePopup's selectItemWithTitle:defaultValue
end createPopupMainThread:

on buildAccessoryViewMainThread:theControls
	set my theAccessoryView to current application's NSView's alloc()'s initWithFrame:{{0, 0}, {160, 60}}
	repeat with aControl in theControls
		(theAccessoryView's addSubview:aControl)
	end repeat
end buildAccessoryViewMainThread:

-- this is called when the checkbox is clicked
on checkboxClicked:sender
	-- make an alert and show it as a sheet over the table window
	set theWindow to sender's |window|()
	set theAlert to current application's NSAlert's alloc()'s init()
	theAlert's setMessageText:"You clicked the checkbox"
	theAlert's setInformativeText:"Now close this sheet"
	theAlert's beginSheetModalForWindow:theWindow completionHandler:(missing value)
end checkboxClicked:

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