Way way back in the day (Mac OS9) I was able to do this with both Quark and inDesign, but I can’t figure out how to do it with inDesign now, and all the scripting samples I can find are javascript (which I’m not good at) and don’t really cover this.
In short I have a cell in a table that gets text. Once the text is in place there are as many as four separate style changes in the text.
What I’m doing now is placing the text, then making they style changes. I works but it’s slow. (A typical table has around 1000 cells).
What I’m hoping to do is something like this:
set myTaggedText to "<titleTag>ProgramTitle </titleTag><descTag>Program Description. </descTag> <ratingTag> Program rating </ratingTag> <captionTag> program caption /<captionTag> <timeTag>programTime</timeTag>"
set contents of myTablesCell to myTaggedText
Or, if I must, save the tagged text to disc and import it from the file.
Any suggestions?
→ Script Debugger 8.0.3 (8A49)
→ MacOS 11.6.2
–>Adobe InDesign 2022 17.01