I seem to be missing something WRT Find & Replace using RegEx tokens

When I use RegEx tokens familiar to me from using RegEx/grep in BBEdit and InDesign like “^” for start of a paragraph, it doesn’t seem to behave in the same way in Script Debugger.

For example using a simple find token like ^. when I search backwards it behaves as I expect, selecting the beginning glyph or control character of the preceding para. But when I search forwards (“Find Next”) it selects the next glyph/char in the present line, all the way to the end.

In the same way, ^\w search backwards works as expected but search forwards it selects the next char in the first word of the present line until it hits the last glyph in the first word of present line then it will go forwards one line and repeat this pattern.

I looked up the SD docs, but other than referring me to ICU which seems to (obviously) validate my use of ^ I can’t figure this one out for myself.