How to use shell script to format a date string variable within AppleScript?

I am a beginner in AppleScript who trys to use shell script in AppleScript for formatting a data string variable. For example, a variable theDate that is defined as: set theDate to "Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 14:15"

From the internet, I learn how to format the current date into various formats (see the code block). But I have no idea how to pass the variable theDate to the shell script?

Thank you very much in advance!

set theYear to do shell script "date +%Y "
set theMonthNum to do shell script "date +%m "
set theMonthLongName to do shell script "date +%B "
set theMonthShortName to do shell script "date +%b "
set theWeekNum to do shell script "date +%V "
set theDayNum to do shell script "date +%d "
set theWeekDayShort to do shell script "date +%a "
set theWeekDayLong to do shell script "date +%A "
set theCurrentTime to do shell script "date +%H:%M "
set theCurrentTimeAMPM to do shell script "date +'%I:%M %p' "

The short answer is that you can’t. The best you can do is extract components, like the day, month and year, and pass them — but that rather defeats the purpose of some of your examples.

If you search in the forum, you should see posts about how to format date strings using AppleScriptObjC. It’s a more complicated subject for newcomers, but it does allow passing of AppleScript dates back and forth.

Thank you very much again.

One approach to basic decomposition, without using the ObjC libraries:

-- showTime :: Date -> String
on showTime(dte)
    tell dte to set {y, m, d, t} to ¬
        {its year, its month as integer, its day, its time}
    intercalate("-", {y, m, d}) & "T" & ¬
        intercalate(":", {t div 3600, (t mod 3600) div 60, t mod 60}) & "Z"
end showTime

-- intercalate :: String -> [String] -> String
on intercalate(delim, xs)
    set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
        {my text item delimiters, delim}
    set s to xs as text
    set my text item delimiters to dlm
end intercalate

on run
    showTime((current date) - (time to GMT))
end run

Thanks for the suggestion!

I am patching my handlers to a getDateString() to get different format of any date string variable and they serve my purpose quite well. But I thought shell script may provide a more elegant/versatile solution for all kinds of formats (day and week day long/short name, week number, etc)…

-- examples
set a to "31.12.2020 15:30"
set b to date a
return my getDateString(b, "YMDHNS", ".")
-- 2020.
return my getDateString(b, "HNS", ":")
-- 15:30:00

on getDateString(theDate, theDateFormat, theSeperator)
	tell application id "DNtp"
		local T
		local lol, ds
		set lol to {{"y", ""}, {"m", ""}, {"d", ""}, {"h", ""}, {"n", ""}, {"s", ""}}
		set (lol's item 1)'s item 2 to get year of theDate
		set (lol's item 2)'s item 2 to my padNum((get month of theDate as integer) as string, 2)
		set (lol's item 3)'s item 2 to my padNum((get day of theDate) as string, 2)
		set T to every word of (get time string of theDate)
		set (lol's item 4)'s item 2 to T's item 1
		set (lol's item 5)'s item 2 to T's item 2
		set (lol's item 6)'s item 2 to T's item 3
	end tell
	set ds to {}
	set theDateFormat to (every character of theDateFormat)
	repeat with each in theDateFormat
		set ds to ds & (my lolLookup(each as string, 1, 2, lol))'s item 2
	end repeat
	return my listToStr(ds, theSeperator)
end getDateString

on padNum(lngNum, lngDigits)
	-- Credit houthakker
	set strNum to lngNum as string
	set lngGap to (lngDigits - (length of strNum))
	repeat while lngGap > 0
		set strNum to "0" & strNum
		set lngGap to lngGap - 1
	end repeat
end padNum

on lolLookup(lookupVal, lookUpPos, getValPos, theList)
	--only for list of list with more than 1 items
	local i, j, k
	set j to lookUpPos
	set k to getValPos
	repeat with i from 1 to length of theList
		if (item j of item i of theList) is equal to lookupVal then return {i, item k of item i of theList, item i of theList}
	end repeat
	return {0, {}, {}}
end lolLookup

on listToStr(theList, d)
	local thestr
	set {tid, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, d}
	set thestr to theList as text
	set text item delimiters to tid
	return thestr
end listToStr

I have attempted to script a function, named zeroPad(), to globally pad any single digit number in the UTC date.

-- showTime :: Date -> String
on showTime(dte)
	tell dte to set {y, m, d, t} to ¬
		{its year, its month as integer, its day, its time}
	intercalate("-", {y, m, d}) & "T" & ¬
		intercalate(":", {t div 3600, (t mod 3600) div 60, t mod 60}) & "Z"
end showTime

-- intercalate :: String -> [String] -> String
on intercalate(delim, xs)
	set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
		{my text item delimiters, delim}
	set xs to zeroPad(xs)
	set s to xs as text
	set my text item delimiters to dlm
end intercalate

-- add zero as a place holder to the left of any one digit number
-- zeroPad :: String -> [zero padded single digits] -> String
on zeroPad(xs)
	repeat with i from 1 to count of xs
		if i is 1 then
			set newListWithZeroPlaceHolder to {}
		end if
		--convert item from list to text
		set xsItemText to item i of xs as text
		I know of no other way to test
		whether a text can also be a number, ¬
		without a try-end try function, ¬
		that exits the sub function, when the text is not a number, ¬
		but continues when the sub function of the text is a number.
			-- address  only one character  items
			if (count of xsItemText) is 1 then
				--address only digits  
				set xsListItem to (xsItemText as number)
				--add zero placeholder to the left of a one digit text
				set xsItemText to text -1 through -2 of ("0" & xsListItem)
			end if
		end try
		--assemble all items of xs into new list
		set end of newListWithZeroPlaceHolder to xsItemText
	end repeat
	--return new list 
end zeroPad

on run
	showTime((current date) - (time to GMT))
end run

Get the Satimage OSAX (or the application if you’re using Mavericks or newer). Lots of good stuff in that OSAX. One command is the strftime function which will allow you to format any date into almost any form. Uses the C language strftime format strings to tell it how you want it formatted.

set X to strftime (current date) into “%m-%d-%Y” will give you 05-10-2020

set Y to strftime (current date) into “%e-%b-%Y” will give you 5-May-2020

Jim Brandt

Thanks a lot for the suggestion!

I have written a script a while ago to achieve similar results. The script is clumsy but it’s been good fun as a practice of AppleScript .

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

set curDate to current date
set aDate to date "Sunday, 10 May 2020 at 10:10:00"

-- use curDate
-- set eg1 to my getDateStr(curDate, "A, d B Y", "+1m")
-- return Wednesday, 03 June 2020
--set eg2 to my getDateStr(curDate, "d-B-Y I:M:S p", "+2m")
-- return 03-July-2020 04:05:19 PM
-- set eg3 to my getDateStr(curDate, "Y.m.d.H.M.S", "")
-- return 2020.
-- set eg4 to my getDateStr(curDate, "Q", "+1w")
-- return {"04.05.2020", "05.05.2020", "06.05.2020", "07.05.2020", "08.05.2020", "09.05.2020", "10.05.2020"}

-- use aDate
-- set eg5 to "The week number 12 weeks from aDate is week " & my getDateStr(aDate, "V", "+12w")
-- return The week number 12 weeks from aDate is week 31
-- set eg6 to my getDateStr(aDate, "A r", "")
-- return Sunday 10:10 AM
-- set eg7 to my getDateStr(aDate, "q", "-1m")
-- return {"10.04.2020", "11.04.2020", "12.04.2020", "13.04.2020", "14.04.2020", "15.04.2020", "16.04.2020"}
-- set eg8 to "14 days from aDate is a " & my getDateStr(aDate, "A", "+14d")
-- return 14 days from aDate is a Sunday
on getDateStr(theDate, theDateFormat, theOffset)
	--by ngan 2020.05.03
	-- CASE SENSITIVITIVE parameters for theDateFormat
	-- Comment: the parameters are identical to shell scipt of 'date' except for Q and q
	-- Q and q are customised to generate an array of 7 days
	-- Y  long year	 (e.g. 2020		
	-- y  short year (e.g. 20)
	-- m  month ( e.g. 01..12)			
	-- B  long month name ( e.g. January)		
	-- b  abbreviated month name ( e.g. Jan)
	-- d  day of moth (e.g. 01..31)		
	-- A  full weekday name (e.g. Monday)	 	
	-- a  abbreviated weekday name (e.g. Mon)
	-- R 24-hour time (e.g. 16:10)	 		
	-- r  12-hr clock time (e.g. 4:10 PM)
	-- H  hour (e.g. 00..23)		 	
	-- I  hour (e.g. 1..12)
	-- p  AM/PM	(e.g.  AM/PM)
	-- M  minute  (e.g. 00..59)			
	-- S  second (e.g. 00..60)
	-- V  ISO week number - Monday as 1st day of week ( e.g. 01..53)	 
	-- Q an array from Monday to Sunday of a given ISO week num ( e.g. {27.04.2020,...03.05.2020})
	-- q  an array of a given date and the following 6 days
	-- CASE SENSITIVITIVE parameters for theOffset
	-- y  +/-years	(e.g. "+2y" or "-2y")
	-- m  +/-months	(e.g. "+2m" or "-2m")
	-- w  +/-weeks	(e.g. "+2w" or "-2w")
	-- d  +/-days	(e.g. "+2d" or "-2d")
	-- H  +/-hours		(e.g. "+2H" or "-2H" )
	-- M  +/-minutes		(e.g. "+2M" or "-2M")
	-- S  +/-seconds		(e.g. "+2S" or "-2S") 
	-- Main
	set ltd to {{"y", 365 * days}, {"m", ""}, {"w", 7 * days}, {"d", days}, {"H", hours}, {"M", minutes}, {"S", 1}}
	set lol to {{"Y", ""}, {"y", ""}, {"m", ""}, {"B", ""}, {"b", ""}, {"d", ""}, {"A", ""}, {"a", ""}, {"R", ""}, {"r", ""}, {"H", ""}, {"I", ""}, {"p", ""}, {"M", ""}, {"S", ""}, {"V", ""}, {"Q", ""}, {"q", ""}}
	set lp to {"Y", "y", "m", "B", "b", "d", "A", "a", "R", "r", "H", "I", "p", "M", "S", "V"}
	set useShell to theDate = (current date)
	considering case
		--if theDate = (current date) then use shell script for all parameters in list lp
		if useShell then
			set v to ""
			if theOffset is not "" then set v to " -v "
			--convert theOffset in a format that is recognisable by shell script
			set theShellPara to characters of theDateFormat
			repeat with i from 1 to length of theShellPara
				if theShellPara's item i is in lp then
					set theShellPara's item i to "%" & theShellPara's item i
				end if
			end repeat
			set theShellPara to "+" & theShellPara
			-- get weeknum and adjusted date for computing Q and q
			set (lol's item 16)'s item 2 to do shell script "date " & v & theOffset & " '+%V'"
			set theDate to do shell script "date " & v & theOffset & " '+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S'"
			set theDate to date theDate
			if "Q" is not in theDateFormat and "q" is not in theDateFormat then
				set ds to do shell script "date " & v & theOffset & " " & quoted form of theShellPara
				return ds
			end if
			--	theDate is not current date then use date string computation
			if theOffset is not "" then
				-- obtain the adjusted date (theDate+theOffset) calculation before formatting
				set theOffset to (do shell script "[[ " & quoted form of theOffset & " =~ ([+-]+)([0-9]+)([A-Za-z]+) ]] && echo \"${BASH_REMATCH[1]},${BASH_REMATCH[2]},${BASH_REMATCH[3]}\"")
				set {tid, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, ","}
				set theOffset to every text item of theOffset
				set text item delimiters to tid
				set {offsetOperator, offsetMultiplier, offsetUnit} to theOffset
				-- offsetBase in seconds. E.g. theOffset="+?d",offsetBase = 24*3600   
				set offsetBase to (my lolLookup(offsetUnit, 1, 2, ltd))'s item 2
				if offsetUnit is in {"w", "d", "H", "M", "S"} then
					-- standard date operation in AppleScript 
					set theDate to theDate + ((offsetOperator as string) & (offsetMultiplier as integer) * offsetBase)
				else if offsetUnit is "y" then
					-- +/- years
					set theDate's year to (theDate's year) + ((offsetOperator as string) & (offsetMultiplier as integer) * 1)
				else if offsetUnit is "m" then
					-- tricky arithmatics
					set {y, m} to {theDate's year, theDate's month as integer}
					set yAdjustment to (m + ((offsetOperator as string) & (offsetMultiplier as integer) * 1)) div 12
					set mAdjustment to (m + ((offsetOperator as string) & (offsetMultiplier as integer) * 1)) mod 12
					if mAdjustment > 0 then
						set y to y + yAdjustment
						set m to mAdjustment
						set y to y + yAdjustment - 1
						set m to mAdjustment + 12
					end if
					set {theDate's year, theDate's month} to {y, m}
				end if
			end if
			tell theDate to set {y, m, ms, d, dw, h, n, s} to {its year as string, its month as integer, its month as string, its day as string, its weekday as string} & every word of its time string
			-- get Y
			set (lol's item 1)'s item 2 to y
			-- get y
			set (lol's item 2)'s item 2 to (characters 3 thru 4 of y as string)
			-- get m
			if m < 10 then -- m
				set (lol's item 3)'s item 2 to "0" & m
				set (lol's item 3)'s item 2 to m
			end if
			-- get B
			set (lol's item 4)'s item 2 to ms
			-- get b
			set (lol's item 5)'s item 2 to (characters 1 thru 3 of ms as string)
			-- get d
			set (lol's item 6)'s item 2 to d
			-- get A
			set (lol's item 7)'s item 2 to dw
			-- get a
			set (lol's item 8)'s item 2 to (characters 1 thru 3 of dw as string)
			-- get R
			set (lol's item 9)'s item 2 to h & ":" & n
			set {t1, t2} to {h div 12, h mod 12} -- t1,t2 are temporary variables
			if t1 ≥ 1 then
				-- get p
				set (lol's item 13)'s item 2 to "PM"
				-- get r
				set (lol's item 10)'s item 2 to ((h mod 12) & ":" & n & " PM")
				-- get p
				set (lol's item 13)'s item 2 to "AM"
				-- get r
				set (lol's item 10)'s item 2 to (h & ":" & n & " AM")
			end if
			-- get H
			set (lol's item 11)'s item 2 to h
			-- get I
			set (lol's item 12)'s item 2 to (h mod 12)
			-- get M
			set (lol's item 14)'s item 2 to n
			-- get S
			set (lol's item 15)'s item 2 to s
			-- get V
			--credit Nigel Garvey from for the script getISOWeekNumber ()
			-- Comment from his script: ISO Standard: Weeks start on Mondays. A week that straddles a year boundarybelongs to the year in which it has more days. One consequence of this is that the "first week" of any year contains 4th January.
			set aMonday to date "Monday, 3 January 2000 at 00:00:00"
			set nextMonday to theDate - (theDate - aMonday) mod weeks + weeks
			set Jan4 to date "Tuesday, 4 January 2000 at 00:00:00"
			set Jan4's year to nextMonday's year
			if (Jan4 does not come before nextMonday) then set Jan4's year to (Jan4's year) - 1
			set baseMonday to Jan4 - (Jan4 - aMonday) mod weeks
			set (lol's item 16)'s item 2 to (nextMonday - baseMonday) div weeks
			-- end of Nigel's code for getISOWeekNumber()
			set ds to ""
			if "Q" is not in theDateFormat and "q" is not in theDateFormat then
				set theDateFormat to (every character of theDateFormat)
				repeat with n from 1 to length of theDateFormat
					if theDateFormat's item n is in lp then
						set ds to ds & (my lolLookup(theDateFormat's item n, 1, 2, lol))'s item 2
						set ds to ds & theDateFormat's item n
					end if
				end repeat
				return ds
			end if
		end if
		--get Q
		--credit Nigel Garvey from for the script getdatesforweeknum()
		-- Comment from his script: Assuming the ISO standard that the first week of the year is the one containing 4th January although that might begin in the previous calendar year.
		tell theDate to set {y, m, d} to {its year, its month, its day}
		set weekNum to (lol's item 16)'s item 2
		set yearNum to y
		set preferredWeekStart to "Mon"
		set Jan4 to date "Tuesday, 4 January 2000 at 00:00:00" -- Or 4th January in any year after 1582.
		set Jan4's year to yearNum -- Make that 4th January in the given year.
		set baseMonday to date "Monday, 3 January 2000 at 00:00:00" -- Or any Monday in the past.
		set baseWeekday to baseMonday + ((offset of (text 1 thru 2 of (preferredWeekStart as text)) in "MoTuWeThFrSaSu") div 2) * days
		-- Derive the beginning of the week containing 4th January in the given year
		set week1Start to Jan4 - (Jan4 - baseWeekday) mod weeks
		-- and from that, the beginning of the weekNumth week.
		set weekNStart to week1Start + (weekNum - 1) * weeks
		set datesInWeek to {}
		repeat with i from 0 to 6 * days by days
			set {day:d, month:m, year:y} to weekNStart + i
			tell y * 10000 + m * 100 + d as text
				set end of datesInWeek to text 7 thru 8 & "." & text 5 thru 6 & "." & text 1 thru 4
			end tell
		end repeat
		set (lol's item 17)'s item 2 to datesInWeek
		-- end of Nigel's code for getdatesforweeknum()
		--get q
		set datesNextSevenDays to {}
		copy theDate to dte
		repeat with i from 0 to 6
			set {day:d, month:m, year:y} to dte + i * days
			tell y * 10000 + m * 100 + d as text
				set end of datesNextSevenDays to text 7 thru 8 & "." & text 5 thru 6 & "." & text 1 thru 4
			end tell
		end repeat
		set (lol's item 18)'s item 2 to datesNextSevenDays
		if theDateFormat is "Q" then
			return (lol's item 17)'s item 2
		else if theDateFormat is "q" then
			return (lol's item 18)'s item 2
		end if
	end considering
end getDateStr

on lolLookup(lookupVal, lookUpPos, getValPos, theList)
	--only for list of list with more than 1 items, and only return the first exact match
	local i, j, k
	set j to lookUpPos
	set k to getValPos
	repeat with i from 1 to length of theList
		-- return (1) the index of the matched list in lol, (2) the specific item in the matched list, (3) the matched list
		if (item j of item i of theList) is equal to lookupVal then return {i, item k of item i of theList, item i of theList}
	end repeat
	return {0, "", {}}
end lolLookup