In a Xcode project, I need to display an alert as sheet with 3 buttons.
Is it possible to get the returned button with beginSheetModalForWindow:theWindow completionHandler:?
You can’t use beginSheetModalForWindow:theWindow completionHandler: from AppleScript — blocks aren’t supported.
Go and download Myriad Helpers and add NSAlert+MyriadHelpers.m and NSAlert+MyriadHelpers.h to your project. Then you can use showOver:calling: something like:
set theAlert to current application's NSAlert's makeAlert:"My alert" |buttons|:{"One", "Two", "Three"} |text|:"Some explanation"
theAlert's showOver:theWindow calling:"alertDone:"
on alertDone:nameOfButtonPressed
-- you now know the name of the button pressed
Despite all my attempts, I can’t find the way to make this work.
My script checks if a file exists already and triggers the alert if so.
The alert displays as it should, but the script doesn’t wait for the user’s response and continues as if there where not alert.
Here is how it’s organized:
script AppDelegate
property parent : class "NSObject"
-- IBOutlets
-- properties
global userButton
on applicationWillFinishLaunching:aNotification
-- initial statements
end applicationWillFinishLaunching:
on applicationShouldTerminate:sender
return current application's NSTerminateNow
end applicationShouldTerminate:
on buttonClicked:sender -- manage user click
if sender's tag() = 1 then my mainHandler()
if sender's tag() = 2 then quit
end buttonClicked:
on mainHandler()
-- prepare the main job
if (targetURL's checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:(missing value)) as boolean then
my showAlert:"Un thème de même nom existe déjà." alertMessage:"Si vous poursuivez, le fichier sera placé dans la corbeille." alertButtons:{"Annuler", "Poursuivre"}
log {"main", userButton}
if userButton = "Annuler" then return
set theFileManager to current application's NSFileManager's |defaultManager|()
set {theResult, destURL, theError} to (theFileManager's trashItemAtURL:targetURL resultingItemURL:(reference) |error|:(reference))
if theResult = missing value or destURL = missing value then my showAlert:"Le thème orininal n'a pu être supprimé." alertMessage:((theError's localizedDescription()) as text) alertButtons:{"Annuler"}
end if
-- continue the main job
end mainHandler
on showAlert:alertText alertMessage:alertMess alertButtons:alertButt
set theAlert to current application's NSAlert's makeAlert:alertText buttons:alertButt |text|:alertMess
theAlert's showOver:theWindow calling:"alertDone:"
end showAlert:alertMessage:alertButtons:
on alertDone:buttonPressed
log {"alertDone", buttonPressed}
set userButton to buttonPressed
end alertDone:
end script
That’s how sheets behave, and you need to refactor your code accordingly. It generally means something like this in pseudo-code:
if someThingOrOther then
my continueOn() -- rest of code
end if
on showAlert()
-- show alert, calling alertDone:
end showAlert
on alertDone:buttonPressed
if buttonPressed as string = "Continue" then
my continueOn()
-- do whatever
end if
end alertDone: