How do I get a number to display to two decimal points?

Hello all!

I have an AppleScript that counts down to a date/time, and returns a text string.

The current result:

"I am fasting for a further 96 hours.”

The desired result:

"I am fasting for a further 96.50 hours.”

Any suggestions/solutions are appreciated.

My current script:

set theDate to (date "Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 7:30:00 pm")
set currentDate to (current date)

set secondsBetweenDates to (theDate - currentDate)
set timeInHours to (secondsBetweenDates div hours)

return ("I am fasting for a further " & (timeInHours as integer) & " hours.")

Here’s one way:

set theDate to (date "Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 7:30:00 PM")
set currentDate to (current date)

set secondsBetweenDates to (theDate - currentDate)
set timeInHours to ((secondsBetweenDates * 100) div hours)

return ("I am fasting for a further " & (timeInHours as integer) / 100 & " hours.")

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Thank you so much Ed!

There’s no need to coerce to integer as timeInHours is already an integer.

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True. I didn’t change that part. I don’t think it makes much difference.

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If you want to get fancy…

set currentDate to (current date)

set timeBetweenDatesInSeconds to (theDate - currentDate)
set daysBetweenDates to timeBetweenDatesInSeconds div days
set hoursMod to (timeBetweenDatesInSeconds mod days)
set hoursBetweenDates to (hoursMod div hours)
set minutesMod to hoursMod mod hours
set minutesBetweenDates to minutesMod div minutes
set secondsBetweenDates to minutesMod mod 60
set verification to secondsBetweenDates + (minutesBetweenDates * minutes) + (hoursBetweenDates * hours) + (daysBetweenDates * days)
set verification to timeBetweenDatesInSeconds - verification
if daysBetweenDates > 0 then
	set dayString to (daysBetweenDates as text) & " days "
	set dayString to ""
end if
if hoursBetweenDates > 0 then
	set hourString to (hoursBetweenDates as text) & " hours "
	set hourString to ""
end if
if minutesBetweenDates > 0 then
	set minuteString to (minutesBetweenDates as text) & " minutes "
	set minuteString to ""
end if
if secondsBetweenDates > 0 then
	set secondString to (secondsBetweenDates as text) & " seconds "
	set secondString to ""
end if
set daysHoursMinutesString to dayString & hourString & minuteString & secondString
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Very helpful Ed! I will give that a try, as I like the the way the results look!

In these two lines, each occurrence of timeBetweenDatesInSeconds ahould be replaced by secondsBetweenDates.

The math and date libraries include formatting commands.

Edited with that fix, much better, thanks!

I’m curious, I have both installed and use them but I don’t see a better way to do this with those libraries.

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