Running Dialog Toolkit Plus 1.1.2 on macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave)
From the Dialog Toolkit Plus Dictionary:
create path control (verb) Create a path control. (from Alert Suite)
set theResult to create path control text ¬
left inset integer ¬
bottom integer ¬
control width integer ¬
pops up boolean
Is it possible to restrict the user’s choice to a specific file type, like we can with the standard choose file dialog?
The path control has an allowedTypes property, which takes a list of extensions or UTIs. The docs say it was introduced in 10.10, but I think that’s when it became a property — I’m fairly sure setAllowedTypes: will work in 10.9 also.
What am I doing wrong? Neither of these commands will compile after I add the allowedTypes property:
set {sourceFilePath, pathLabel, theTop} to ¬
create labeled path control (defaultFolderPath) bottom (theTop + 12) control width ¬
accViewWidth allowedTypes {"public.plain-text"} ¬
label text "Choose (or drag) TEXT File with List of Notebooks here:" ¬
with pops up
set {sourceFilePath, pathLabel, theTop} to ¬
create labeled path control (defaultFolderPath) bottom (theTop + 12) control width ¬
accViewWidth setAllowedTypes {"public.plain-text"} ¬
label text "Choose (or drag) TEXT File with List of Notebooks here:" ¬
with pops up
Shane, OK, thanks for clarifying that. Didn’t get that from your post above.
So, this seems like a use case that is worthy of an official update to DTP.
Since it is an optional parameter, it won’t break anyone’s script.
And since it uses the same data as choose file, it should be easily understood.
OK, thanks for adding my request to your list.
Until it is available, I will have to continue to use the std choose file because restricting file type is critical to most of my use cases.