Horizontal Scrolling Stops in the Middle of the Line (8A17)

AppleScript Formatting: Font Size 24
Toogle Line Wrapping: off
Horizontal scrolling stops in the middle of the line (more than 70 characters)

iMac 5k Intel
macOS 10.15.7

I’m not able to reproduce this here with 8A17 on Catalina. Please send along a sample of the text in your script that illustrates the problem you are experiencing. Just to be sure, please check you are running 8A17 because this was an issue in previous builds.

Sorry, as new user I can’t send screenshots or links.

tell application "Contacts"
	set idPerson to make new person with properties {first name:strVorname, last name:strName, organization:strFirma, note:strNotiz}
	make new email at end of emails of idPerson with properties {label:"home", value:strMailPrivat}
	make new email at end of emails of idPerson with properties {label:"work", value:strMailArbeit}
	make new phone at end of phones of idPerson with properties {label:"mobile", value:strTelMobil}
	make new phone at end of phones of idPerson with properties {label:"home", value:strTelPrivat}
	make new phone at end of phones of idPerson with properties {label:"work", value:strTelArbeit}
	make new url at end of urls of idPerson with properties {label:"home", value:strUrlPrivat}
	make new url at end of urls of idPerson with properties {label:"work", value:strUrlArbeit}
	make new address at end of addresses of idPerson with properties {label:"home", street:strStrassePrivat, zip:strPLZPrivat, city:strOrtPrivat}
	make new address at end of addresses of idPerson with properties {label:"work", street:strStrasseArbeit, zip:strPLZArbeit, city:strOrtArbeit}
	delay 0.5
	set selection to {idPerson}
end tell

I apologize for my incorrect reply to your report. The fix for the horizontal scrolling issue appears in the 8A18 build.