Favorites at top of dictionary list

Would it be possible to anchor our favorites to the top of the Dictionary side panel?

I think we’ve discussed this before. I have about a dozen favorites, and I’d much rather be able to pick from those first before seeing running apps or recent apps.

(I know, a minor thing)

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A related request, how about a tool mark button to toggle a dictionary being added as a favorite, and maybe a favorite option in the dictionary menu?

Right now the only way to make a dictionary a favorite is to control-click (right click) in the icon

See build 8A20:

1536: The order of the Recent/Favorites/Running Apps categories in dictionary lists and menus can be modified in Dictionary Preferences.

See build 8A17:

1537: A Favorite toolbar item has been introduced into the Dictionary window and a Favorite menu item in added to the Dictionary menu to toggle a dictionary’s favourite status.

Let us know if these work as you expect.

Updated this afternoon on my wife’s laptop.

This is exactly what I was hoping for and more, but there’s a tiny little bug. The labels for Running and Recents are reversed. So if I put Running at the top of the list, Recents is at the top and Running is in the spot where recents should be.

Yes, this is perfect.
