This can happen because of the poor design of Apple’s Text Suite. This defines the term rich text and gives it the same code as text (ctxt). You can see this in Mail’s dictionary, for example.
I’m sorry I’ve taken (just over) 3 years to act on this, but I wanted to let you know I finally put together a beta release with the fix in place, taking @ShaneStanley’s suggestion to simply remove the text suite from FastScripts’s own scripting definiton. If you are still using FastScripts and wish to give it a try, you can download the 2.0b3 version here:
Just to wrap this up: FastScripts 2.8 is now out as an official update. Enjoy! @Tom FYI I have progress feedback on my list for FastScripts 3.0. I made good progress towards it but the limitations of FastScripts’s current menu make it hard to do right.
Congratulations! One very minor wrinkle: if I open preferences and click on the icon color well, the picker appears. If I switch to another app and then switch back by clicking on the preferences panel, I can’t get the picker back – even if I click again on the color well. I have to close preferences and reopen it, or show the about box. I think I understand why, but maybe clicking the well should also make the app activate.