This one is for the developers. I’m not sure whether its an AS or SD error. However, if I did something wrong, I’d like to learn.
After cutting out out a bunch of lines in my script (now 1,500 with lots of comments), I started to get this Apple Script execution error with SD as the identified application. My script runs fine the first time after each compile. From the second time, it returns the error in the topic at the point the method is called. The script runs fine in AS Editor. I have no local or global variable named newAlbumID. The behavior is the same whether preceded by “my” or not. Adding or deleting arguments did not change the error behavior.
I have the following loaded:
use AppleScript version “2.4”
use framework “Foundation”
use scripting additions
The arguments are straightforward properties, local variables, and record properties.
I am not using “Foundation” elements in these scripts, to my knowledge. When I comment out “use framework “Foundation””, I get this Apple Script execution error on every run after compilation: «script» doesn’t understand the “newAlbumID” message.
I appear to have suppressed both execution errors by renaming the method newAlbumID2, at least for now.