Epically slow script - any thoughts on how to improve?

The script below is exceptionally slow. It ingests a JSON file and then does various DevonThink things to it.

If I feed it a small JSON file, each iteration of the main repeat loop is fairly quick (a second or so). If I feed it a larger file, the time for each iteration of the repeat loop increases, to as much as 30 seconds per iteration.

I assume this has to do with the data structures involved. I know very little about Applescript - any thoughts about how to optimise this?

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"

-- all the settings should be here
set bibJSONFile to "/Users/lyndon/repo/workflow/zot-export-bbt.json"
--set thePListFile to "/Users/lyndon/repo/workflow/zotero-to-devonthink.plist"
set theTemplateFile to "/Users/lyndon/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/Templates.noindex/Education/Reference LD.md"
set theDTDBFile to "/Users/lyndon/DevonThink/Research.dtBase2"
set theDTLocation to "/Library"

set theModName to "_mod_datetime_zotero.txt"
set theDictionaryName to "_dictionary_zoteroid_uuid.txt"

set ca to current application
property NSJSONSerialization : a reference to current application's NSJSONSerialization
property NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted : a reference to 1
property NSData : a reference to current application's NSData
property NSString : a reference to current application's NSString

-- a helper method to replace any substring with a space
on remove:remove_string fromString:source_string
	set s_String to NSString's stringWithString:source_string
	set r_String to NSString's stringWithString:remove_string
	return s_String's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:r_String withString:" "
end remove:fromString:

set theJSONData to NSData's dataWithContentsOfFile:(bibJSONFile)
set theJSON to NSJSONSerialization's JSONObjectWithData:theJSONData options:0 |error|:(missing value)
set theCurrentTime to current date

set bibjson to theJSON as record
set therefs to |items| of bibjson

set mainDict to missing value
set theDictRecord to missing value

-- load up the previous data
tell application id "DNtp"
	set theDatabase to open database theDTDBFile
	set theLocation to create location theDTLocation in theDatabase
	-- set mainDict to current application's NSMutableDictionary's dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:thePListFile
	if mainDict is missing value then
		set mainDict to current application's NSMutableDictionary's new()
	end if
	tell theLocation
		set theDictPath to theDTLocation & "/" & theDictionaryName
		set theDictRecord to get record at theDictPath
		if theDictRecord is missing value then
			set theDictRecord to create record with {name:theDictionaryName, type:"txt"} in theLocation
		end if
		if theDictRecord is not missing value then
			set mainDictContents to plain text of theDictRecord
			set mdStr to (ca's NSString's stringWithString:mainDictContents)
			set mdDataDict to item 1 of (ca's NSJSONSerialization's JSONObjectWithData:(mdStr's dataUsingEncoding:(ca's NSUTF8StringEncoding)) options:0 |error|:(reference))
			mainDict's setDictionary:mdDataDict
		end if
	end tell
	--	set theChildGroups to {}
	--	try
	--		set theChildGroups to children of theLocation
	--	end try
	--	repeat with theChild in theChildGroups
	--		if type of theChild is group then
	--			set theZoteroIDString to get custom meta data for "zoteroid" from theChild
	--			set theUUID to uuid of theChild
	--			(mainDict's setObject:theUUID forKey:theZoteroIDString)
	--		end if
	--	end repeat
end tell

set limitCounter to 0
repeat with theRef in therefs
	set limitCounter to limitCounter + 1
	--	if (limitCounter > 20) then exit repeat
	set {theKey, theTitle, theURI, theZoteroID, theDateModified} to {citationKey, title, uri, itemID, dateModified} of theRef
	set theSelectURI to ""
		set theSelectURI to |select| of theRef
	end try
		set theTitle to |shortTitle| of theRef
	end try
	set theZoteroIDString to theZoteroID as string
	set theDOI to ""
		set theDOI to DOI of theRef
	end try
	set theAbstract to ""
		set theAbstract to abstractNote of theRef
	end try
	set theDate to ""
		set theDate to |date| of theRef
		set theReferenceYear to theDate
	end try
	set theURL to ""
		set theURL to |url| of theRef
	end try
	set theCreators to ""
	set multipleCreators to ""
		repeat with theCreator in creators of theRef
				set theCreators to theCreators & multipleCreators & |firstName| of theCreator & " " & |lastName| of theCreator & " (" & |creatorType| of theCreator & ")"
				set multipleCreators to " and "
			end try
		end repeat
	end try
	set theTags to {}
		repeat with theTagItem in tags of theRef
			set theTags to theTags & tag of theTagItem
		end repeat
	end try
	-- construct group name and look for a previous group in the dictionary	
	set theGroupFile to theKey & " " & theTitle
	set theGroupFile to (my remove:"/" fromString:theGroupFile)
	set theUUID to missing value
	set theUUID to (mainDict's objectForKey:theZoteroIDString)
	-- create or update the group
	if theUUID is missing value then
		tell application id "DNtp"
			set theGroup to create location theDTLocation & "/" & theGroupFile
			set theUUID to uuid of theGroup
		end tell
		set theUUID to theUUID as string
		tell application id "DNtp"
			set theGroup to get record with uuid theUUID
			if theGroup is missing value then set theGroup to create location theDTLocation & "/" & theGroupFile
			set the name of theGroup to ("" & theGroupFile)
			set theUUID to uuid of theGroup
		end tell
	end if
	-- create or update a summary file
	set theSummaryName to ("___" & theGroupFile & ".md") as text
	set theSummaryDate to theDate
	set theSummaryPlaceholders to {|%reference%|:theTitle, |%authors%|:theCreators, |%date%|:theSummaryDate, |%citation%|:theKey, |%doi%|:theDOI, |%abstract%|:theAbstract, |%zoteroselect%|:theSelectURI}
	tell application id "DNtp"
		set theTempRecord to import theTemplateFile placeholders theSummaryPlaceholders to theGroup
		set thePrevSummaryName to get custom meta data for "referencesummaryfile" from theGroup
		if thePrevSummaryName is missing value or thePrevSummaryName = "" then
			set theSummaryRecord to get record at (the location of theTempRecord) & theSummaryName
			set theSummaryRecord to get record at (the location of theTempRecord) & thePrevSummaryName
		end if
		if theSummaryRecord is missing value then
			set the name of theTempRecord to theSummaryName
			set theSummaryRecord to theTempRecord
			set theTempContent to the plain text of theTempRecord
			set the plain text of theSummaryRecord to theTempContent
			delete record theTempRecord
			set the name of theSummaryRecord to theSummaryName
		end if
	end tell
	(mainDict's setObject:theUUID forKey:theZoteroIDString)
	tell application id "DNtp"
		tell theGroup
			set aliases to theKey
			set tags to theTags
			set URL to theSelectURI
			set custom meta data to {referencesummaryfile:theSummaryName, DOI:theDOI, abstract:theAbstract, citekey:theKey, zoteroid:theZoteroID}
		end tell
	end tell
	-- add attachments and bookmarks to the group
	if theURL ≠ "" then
		tell application id "DNtp"
			set theBookmarkRecord to lookup records with URL theURL
			if theBookmarkRecord is missing value or (count of theBookmarkRecord) is less than 1 then
				create record with {name:theURL, type:bookmark, URL:theURL} in theGroup
			end if
		end tell
	end if
	set theAttachmentPath to ""
	set attachmentList to {}
		set attachmentList to attachments of theRef
	end try
	repeat with theAttachment in attachmentList
		set theAttachmentPath to ""
		set theAttachmentURI to ""
		set theAttachmentURL to ""
		set theAttachmentLinkMode to ""
			set theAttachmentPath to |path| of theAttachment
		end try
			set theAttachmentURI to uri of theAttachment
		end try
			set theAttachmentURL to |url| of theAttachment
		end try
			set theAttachmentLinkMode to linkMode of theAttachment
		end try
		if theAttachmentPath ≠ "" then
			tell application id "DNtp"
				tell theGroup
					set theAttachmentRecord to lookup records with path theAttachmentPath
					if theAttachmentRecord is missing value or (count of theAttachmentRecord) is less than 1 then
						set theAttachmentRecord to indicate theAttachmentPath to theGroup
						set theAttachmentRecord to item 1 of theAttachmentRecord
					end if
					if theAttachmentRecord is not missing value then
						set custom meta data of theAttachmentRecord to {DOI:theDOI, abstract:theAbstract, citekey:theKey, zoteroid:theZoteroID}
					end if
				end tell
			end tell
		else if theAttachmentLinkMode = "linked_url" then
			tell application id "DNtp"
				set theBookmarkRecord to lookup records with URL theAttachmentURL
				if theBookmarkRecord is missing value or (count of theBookmarkRecord) is less than 1 then
					create record with {name:theAttachmentURL, type:bookmark, URL:theAttachmentURL} in theGroup
				end if
			end tell
		end if
	end repeat
end repeat

set theMainDictJSONData to (NSJSONSerialization's dataWithJSONObject:mainDict options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted |error|:(missing value))
set theMainDictJSONString to (ca's NSString's alloc()'s initWithData:theMainDictJSONData encoding:(ca's NSUTF8StringEncoding))
set theMainDictJSONStringAS to (theMainDictJSONString as text)
tell application id "DNtp"
	tell theGroup
		set plain text of theDictRecord to theMainDictJSONStringAS
		--	(mainDict's writeToFile:thePListFile atomically:true)
	end tell
end tell