Enhanced applet questions

Thanks Mark, Dialog Toolkit seems to work well. That’s great. I considered using it but first I wanted to start simple. So, that was a bad idea. :smile:

@estockly Do you use the Beta 8.0.3? In 8.0.2 it does not work.

There are more improvements to Enhanced Applets in the Script Debugger 8.0.3 8A46 build.

So far, so good!

I’ve duplicated each of the test apps and they seem to work fine. Next I’ll try the full application.


→ Script Debugger 8.0.3 (8A46)
→ Mac OS 11.6.1 (20G224)

This seems to have resolved all the issues. Very cool.

But I do have one question. Did the “Quit” button used to appear when the window was in drop mode?

I see it in search mode, but not drop mode.

(If not, it may be better to have it there too so the user doesn’t have to switch modes to quit)

→ Script Debugger 8.0.3 (8A46)
→ Mac OS 11.6.1 (20G224)

The quit button never appeared in the drop window. I’ll file a note at our end, but there is always the menu command to quit the app.

Got it, I figured that out eventually.

Seems that all the issues have been resolved.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Identifying Enhaced Applets