I could use a recommendation on how to convert .png to .icns.
I sometimes change script icons by simply doing a get info and pasting a .png file into the script icon. That adds the .png to the bundle and does change the icon. However, SD loses it when doing a Save as, so I suppose I need to go the .icns rough as recommended by the SD7 bundle feature.
Poking around, I see that a pasted icon is not retained within the script’s bundle. I knew how this worked years ago and I’ve forgotten. Anyway, for applets, its best to have your own .icns or .asset representation. This is the most robust solution and will survive editing and transmission.
If it’s anything like the method used for folders, 10.13 brings another glitch: @koenigyvan discovered a bug in the Finder where its update command removes custom icons.
Revisiting this, if I simply replace the .icns file in an applet bundle with a .icns file (with images created followith the instructions linked to above) will that replace the icon for the applet and enhanced applet?
(Didn’t there used to be an icon editor included with MacOSX? Or am I remembering back to Mac OS9?)
So I’ve changed the icons on several SD apps to custom icns files, and it seems to be working just fine, until this morning.
One of the apps icons has switched to a generic application Icon (not the applet Icon.
Also, I’m wondering if I set a custom icon for an app in SD, and then open, change and save the app in Script Editor, will it remember the custom Icon? (That didn’t happen in this case, but I’m wondering).
(Also, since this is no longer have anything to do with Beta Testing, should we carry this on in the AppleScript topic?)