Command from an sdf file not working

I would like to understand (don’t need to make it work) what’s going on with this library: (6.8 KB).

Its content script is very short:

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

set anURL to current application's class "NSURL"'s fileURLWithPath:"/Applications"
--posix from url anURL

--on posix from url anURL
return anURL's |path|() as text
--end posix from url

My question is: why when the lines that uses the sdf’s command (posix from url) are uncommented the script fails?


It’s a limitation of AppleScript: the direct parameter of a command can’t be a Cocoa object. You have to pass them to labeled parameters – for example, you might define a for parameter, so you can say posix from url for anURL.

BridgePlus is a good example of this:

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
use libVariable : script "BridgePlus" version "1.3.2"

set aURL to Cocoaify (choose file)
set aFile to ASify from aURL

Notice the use of the from parameter where the URL is passed.


I could not resist fix the library.
Don’t know if I’m going to use it, but now it’s there… (7.7 KB)
