Chevrons after crash

I had a few scripts open in SD when my mac had a kernel panic (it does that sometimes, no relation to SD AKAIK).

When SD relaunched the scripts reopened but the many of the classes were shown with chevron brackets. In a few cases, some of the variables I used were also shown with chevron brackets.

The chevron bracketed classes don’t go get replaced with appleScript if I recompile.

Is there any way to get the applescript syntax back?

on TablesFromDocument(documentName)
  set tablesInDocument to {}
  tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
     tell document documentName
        set howManyPages to count of every «class page»
        repeat with x from 1 to howManyPages
           tell «class page» x
              set myTextFrame to «class txtf» 1
              set gridTable to «class ctbl» 1 of myTextFrame
              name of myTextFrame
              set the name of myTextFrame to ("TV-Grid-" & (x as string))
              set the name of gridTable to ("TV-Grid-" & (x as string))
              set primaryCell to «class ccel» 1 of gridTable
           end tell
           tell TVGridLib to set gridTableRef to item 4 of tableRefsFromCell(primaryCell)
           set the end of tablesInDocument to gridTableRef
        end repeat
     end tell
  end tell
  return tablesInDocument
end TablesFromDocument

→ Script Debugger 7.0.13 (7A125)
→ Mac OS 10.11.6 (15G22010)

The chevrons indicate that AppleScript was unable to read the traget application’s dictionary meta-data (serf). Sometimes, quitting and relaunching Script Debugger fixes the issue.

Update: I quit ID and relaunched it a couple times and that didn’t work.

I quit SD a couple times and that didn’t work.

I quit them both and relaunched both and then reopened the scripts and it worked.