Can't open applet to edit it

Way back in 2016, I created an applet that registers a file name, and does something with that file name. I’m pretty sure I did this with the standard Script Editor.

I need to revisit this applet, and probably make a new one. I’d like to try doing it with Script Debugger. But I can’t even seem to open the existing applet in SD. It says the file “could not be opened”.

Can anyone help me? I’d be happy to just have a link or two to the relevant information.

And in case it’s relevant somehow, I’m an experienced developer. But I’m old and suffer from CRS syndrome. (Can’t Remember Squat).

Script Debugger version 8.0.7, Ventura 13.6.7

and can you open it in Script Editor?

Yes I can.

And I need 20 characters before I can post this, but I’m an overachiever.

Workaround is to copy and paste the script’s text from Script Editor into a new Script Debugger window and then save that as an applet.

To find the cause, we’d need a little more information. To start, where, exactly is the applet stored?

Is it local or remote or cloud?

Also, after you try to open it go to System Settings>Security and see if there’s not a message that Script Debugger is trying to open a file or access a folder.

Also, while you’re in System Settings, make sure Script Debugger has full disk access.

Thanks, that works. I’ll answer the other questions just in case, but I can go from here.

Local, in a subfolder of Documents.

I didn’t see any error messages.

It does.

Hmmm… Maybe Shane or Mark can help.

  • It’s not a run-only app because you can open it in Script Editor
  • It’s not an issue with OneDrive or iCloud or Google Drive because it’s stored locally
  • It’s not an issue of Script Debugger not being able to read in the folder because it has full disk access.

Glad the copy/paste workaround worked.

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Honestly, I’m fine with this, so nobody needs to spend a lot of time on it. I mean, the file is from 2016, so I’m not totally surprised.

And it’s pretty minimal anyway. It’s just a small applet so that you can right-click on a Keyboard Maestro .kmmacros file, and be able to select my program, which passes it on to a KM macro to inspect the file. Nothing earth-shattering.

Thanks again for the help!

Can you compress the file and email it to me to have a look, ? Thanks.

Done. I just realized I made he subject “…can’t be imported” which should have been “can be opened”. Didn’t want to add any confusion, sorry.

Thank you to Dan for sending along the application for us to inspect. Turns out the problem was a custom application signature (4-character code). Script Debugger requires the application signature be ’aplt’ or ’dplt’ for a script to be recognized as openable.

Note that the signature is separate from the bundle ID which can be changed. Application signatures are a holdover from the Classic MacOS days and are not surfaced to the user.