ASObjC XML Part 2

While parsing XML with ASobjC is really fast and simple (love that there’s XPath handling) creating XMLs seems to be a bit more cumbersome for me - compared to Satimage XMLlib.
Formerly I got XMLOpen XYZ - that either could be a file path or a string.
With ASobjC I have the options:
a) initWithContentsOfURL:options:error:
b) initWithData:options:error:
While a) is no problem at all b) doesn’t work for me since I don’t succeed to convert a string/text into data.
Background: while creating “my XMLs” a lot of “side car XMLs” and “intermediate XMLs” are used.

Somehow similar is the problem to create a child from string like

> "<text><text-ref/></text>"

I have an article on that, with a practical case, based on the exchanges that took place on ASUL and here (if I remember well). It is not trivial but nothing that a “normal” AScripter can’t do.

Simple XML creation with AppleScriptObjectiveC

Many thanks Jean,

I saved the article to read offline and be back tomorrow (cause of lame internet speed)

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It may not be exactly what you’re looking for and there may be a few errors (although I posted it in various AS related venues and did not get too much backlash :slight_smile: ) Let me know if it helps and if you find it could be simplified or modified, etc.

I will let you know.

Right now I’m sitting outside catching the last sun beams of the early evening and the waves of a slow WLAN.
At home there are none of those :wink:

From what I’ve read right now some stuff could be simplified by creating some handlers.
But from my previous posts you may know that I’m a totally AsobC-Dummy.

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My reply took a bit more of time - sorry.

As said I haven’t cared about ASobjC for years and have to dive into objC.
Satimage had been a safe haven for nearly two decades for my often complicated XML stuff.
I spent the last two days with “try and error”. The result is at least promising though I still miss things (or better can’t get some stuff to work)
Below a script (partial script) of what I figured out. Maybe it can be helpful for others fighting the same problems.
A lot of things are put into handlers just for me as a lazy typer and cause they are called dozens of times in a final script.
The XMLs nesting is a bit more complicated compared to your example.
Some things like the “formatter” are used to get a better “prettyPrint” XML at the end.
The XML present a kind of “subtitles for video”

Parts of script are lost when I post/paste.
Here a link:
How can I make it appear here?

> use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
> use framework "Foundation"
> use scripting additions
> property cA : a reference to current application
> property NSArray : a reference to cA's NSArray
> property NSMutableArray : a reference to cA's NSMutableArray
> property NSString : a reference to cA's NSString
> property xmlElemt : a reference to cA's NSXMLElement
> property xmlNode : a reference to cA's NSXMLNode
> property xmlDoc : a reference to cA's NSXMLDocument
> --
> property theRoot : null
> property theXML : null
> --
> property theFPS : 30
> property frameDur : 1 / theFPS
> property frameDurNominator : 1000
> property frameDurDeNominator : 1000 * theFPS
> property theNTSC : false
> property dropMode : "NDF"
> --
> -- this is a part extracted and cleaned from a given XML
> set aTitleTempl to "<title>
> <param name=\"Anchor Point\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/1/100/107\" value=\"768 -432\"/>
>                             <param name=\"Layout Method\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/2/314\" value=\"1 (Paragraph)\"/>
>                             <param name=\"Fade In\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/2/319/322\" value=\"0\"/>
>                             <param name=\"Left Margin\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/2/323\" value=\"0.0880737\"/>
>                             <param name=\"Right Margin\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/2/324\" value=\"1536.3\"/>
>                             <param name=\"Bottom Margin\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/2/326\" value=\"-864.234\"/>
>                             <param name=\"Alignment\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/2/354/1999786174/401\" value=\"1 (Center)\"/>
>                             <param name=\"Alignment\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/2/373\" value=\"0 (Left) 2 (Bottom)\"/>
>                             <param name=\"Color\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/32\" value=\"0 0 0\"/>
>                             <param name=\"Wrap Mode\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/34/5\" value=\"1 (Repeat)\"/>
>                             <param name=\"Width\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/36\" value=\"2\"/>
>                             <param name=\"Blur\" key=\"9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/76\" value=\"1 1\"/>
> </title>"
> -- prepare other values
> set intFPS to (round theFPS) as integer
> if theFPS mod 1 > 0 then
> 	set frameDurNominator to "1001"
> 	if intFPS = 24 then
> 		set dropMode to "NDF"
> 	else
> 		set dropMode to "DF"
> 	end if
> else
> 	set dropMode to "NDF"
> 	set frameDurNominator to "1000"
> end if
> set frameDurDeNominator to (intFPS * 1000) as string
> set frameDurTx to my framesToTxTime(1)
> -- these resources must be indexed later for reference
> set rsrcValueList to {{tagValPair:{"format", ""}, attrValList:{{"name", "Undefined"}, {"frameDuration", frameDurTx}, {"width", "1920"}, {"height", "1080"}}}, {tagValPair:{"effect", ""}, attrValList:{{"name", "TextUp"}, {"uid", "somePosixPath.moti"}}}}
> set seqFmtAttrList to {{"duration", "300000/30000s"}, {"tcStart", "0s"}, {"tcFormat", dropMode}, {"audioLayout", "stereo"}, {"audioRate", "48k"}}
> -- these text parts are simplified, items are either different color or style
> -- the numbers represent frames for "offset" and "duration"
> -- at a later state this could be handled with "dictionaries"
> set aTextList to {{0, 100, {"first title"}}, {150, 80, {"second title", linefeed, "second line"}}, {240, 120, {"third title"}}, {400, 180, {"4th title", linefeed, "second line"}}}
> set titleRole to "titles.English"
> -----------------------
> set theRoot to xmlNode's elementWithName:"fcpxml"
> my setXMLAttribute(theRoot, {"version", "1.3"})
> set theXML to xmlNode's documentWithRootElement:theRoot
> theXML's setCharacterEncoding:"UTF-8"
> theXML's setStandalone:true
> --??? how to set a doc type: <!DOCTYPE fcpxml>
> set projNode to my addXMLChild(theRoot, {"project", ""})
> my addFormatter(projNode)
> my setXMLAttribute(projNode, {"name", "Untitled Project"})
> my setXMLAttribute(projNode, {"uid", my genUID()})
> -- add the res node at the project
> set resNode to my addXMLChild(projNode, {"resources", ""})
> my addFormatter(resNode)
> -- add all the children needed 
> -- the first "format" is the relevant one for the later sequence
> set seqFmtSet to false
> set fxFmtSet to false
> set r to 0
> repeat with theItem in rsrcValueList
> 	set r to r + 1
> 	set idVal to ("r" & r)
> 	set {tagName, tagValue} to theItem's tagValPair
> 	if not seqFmtSet then
> 		if tagName as string = "format" then
> 			set seqFmtId to idVal as string
> 			set beginning of seqFmtAttrList to {"format", seqFmtId}
> 			set seqFmtSet to true
> 		end if
> 	end if
> 	if not fxFmtSet then
> 		if tagName as string = "effect" then
> 			set fxFmtId to idVal as string
> 			set fxFmtSet to true
> 		end if
> 	end if
> 	set someNode to my addXMLChild(resNode, {tagName, tagValue})
> 	my setXMLAttribute(someNode, {"id", idVal})
> 	set attrValist to theItem's attrValList
> 	setXMLAttributeList(someNode, attrValist)
> end repeat
> -- now add a sequence to the project
> set seqNode to my addXMLChild(projNode, {"sequence", ""})
> -- set seq attributes - the format from above
> setXMLAttributeList(seqNode, seqFmtAttrList)
> my addFormatter(seqNode)
> --set comNode to my addXMLChild(seqNode, {"!--", " test "})
> -- add the basic spine where everything is attached
> set spineNode to my addXMLChild(seqNode, {"spine", ""})
> my addFormatter(spineNode)
> -- now add the titles to the spine
> -- times (offset, duration) are dummy values
> -- role has to be set upfront
> set t to 0 -- base index to set up text styles
> repeat with aText in aTextList
> 	set t to t + 1
> 	set aName to "" -- create a "name" from all text entries
> 	set {tFramesIn, tFramesDur, tTextItems} to aText
> 	set tOff to my framesToTxTime(tFramesIn)
> 	set tDur to my framesToTxTime(tFramesDur)
> 	set aComment to (xmlNode's commentWithStringValue:("Title No. " & t & " +++++++++++++++++++++"))
> 	(spineNode's addChild:aComment)
> 	set styleIdBase to ("ts" & t) as string
> 	set titleNode to my addXMLChildFromString(spineNode, aTitleTempl)
> 	-- dependent on the effect type above a repeat loop is needed
> 	repeat 1 times -- our effect has only one text entry
> 		set txNode to my addXMLChild(titleNode, {"text", ""})
> 		my addXMLChild(txNode, {"remove", ""})
> 		-- now create a style node for each style part
> 		set s to 0
> 		repeat with txPart in tTextItems
> 			set aName to (aName & txPart) as string
> 			set s to s + 1
> 			set styleID to (styleIdBase & "-" & s)
> 			set txStyledEntryNode to my addXMLChild(txNode, {"text-style", txPart})
> 			setXMLAttribute(txStyledEntryNode, {"ref", styleID})
> 			-- add a style definition
> 			set txStyleDefNode to my addXMLChild(titleNode, {"text-style-def", ""})
> 			setXMLAttribute(txStyleDefNode, {"id", styleID})
> 			my addFormatter(txStyleDefNode)
> 			set txStyleDescrNode to my addXMLChild(txStyleDefNode, {"text-style", ""})
> 		end repeat -- with txPart in aText
> 	end repeat -- repeat 1 times
> 	-- now add attribures to the title node
> 	set attrValist to {{"name", aName}, {"ref", fxFmtId}, {"offset", tOff}, {"duration", tDur}, {"start", "3600s"}, {"role", titleRole}}
> 	setXMLAttributeList(titleNode, attrValist)
> 	-- add a reference
> 	my addXMLChild(titleNode, {"note", my genUID()})
> end repeat -- with aText in aTextList
> -- once the last title is set the sequence dummy duration must be corrected
> -- it is based on the last title's out frame
> set lastTitleOut to tFramesIn + tFramesDur
> set seqDur to framesToTxTime(lastTitleOut)
> setXMLAttribute(seqNode, {"duration", seqDur})
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> -- set all fx and styles
> set outLineAttrList to {{"strokeColor", "0 0 0 1"}, {"strokeWidth", "2"}}
> set fontAttrList to {{"font", "Arial"}, {"fontSize", "52"}}
> -- set font and size
> set allTxStyles to my XPathNodes(theRoot, "//text-style-def/text-style")
> repeat with txStyleNode in allTxStyles
> 	my setXMLAttributeList(txStyleNode, fontAttrList)
> 	my setXMLAttributeList(txStyleNode, outLineAttrList)
> end repeat
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> -- clean up
> set theXMLString to theXML's XMLStringWithOptions:(cA's NSXMLNodePrettyPrint)
> set theXMLString to my replaceString(theXMLString, "<remove></remove>", "")
> set the clipboard to theXMLString
> theXMLString
> (* === xml handlers === *)
> on XPathNodes(startNode, theArg)
> 	set theArg to theArg as text
> 	set {theNode, theError} to startNode's nodesForXPath:(theArg) |error|:(reference)
> 	if theNode = missing value then
> 		set theNode to {}
> 	end if
> 	return theNode
> end XPathNodes
> on getXMLAttribute(theNode, attrName)
> 	set attrName to attrName as string
> 	set attrVal to (theNode's attributeForName:attrName)
> 	set attrVal to (attrVal's stringValue) as string
> 	return attrVal
> end getXMLAttribute
> on setXMLAttribute(theNode, ValPair)
> 	set {theName, theValue} to ValPair
> 	set {theName, theValue} to {theName as string, theValue as string}
> 	set theAttr to xmlNode's attributeWithName:theName stringValue:theValue
> 	theNode's addAttribute:theAttr
> end setXMLAttribute
> on setXMLAttributeList(theNode, valPairList)
> 	repeat with ValPair in valPairList
> 		try
> 			set {theName, theValue} to ValPair
> 			set {theName, theValue} to {theName as string, theValue as string}
> 			set theAttr to (xmlNode's attributeWithName:theName stringValue:theValue)
> 			(theNode's addAttribute:theAttr)
> 		on error errMsg
> 			log errMsg
> 		end try
> 	end repeat
> end setXMLAttributeList
> on addXMLChild(theNode, ValPair)
> 	set {theName, theValue} to ValPair
> 	set {theName, theValue} to {theName as string, theValue as string}
> 	set childNode to xmlNode's elementWithName:theName stringValue:theValue
> 	theNode's addChild:childNode
> 	return childNode
> end addXMLChild
> on addXMLChildFromString(theNode, theString)
> 	set {nElement, theError} to (xmlElemt's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:theString |error|:(reference))
> 	theNode's addChild:nElement
> 	return nElement
> end addXMLChildFromString
> on addFormatter(parentNode)
> 	my addXMLChild(parentNode, {"remove", ""})
> end addFormatter
> (* === time etc === *)
> on framesToTxTime(theFrames)
> 	set theFrames to (frameDurNominator * theFrames) as string
> 	set theTime to theFrames & "/" & frameDurDeNominator & "s" as string
> 	return theTime
> end framesToTxTime
> (* === text === *)
> on cleanWhiteSpace(theString)
> 	-- create Cocoa string from passed AppleScript string
> 	set the theString to current application's NSString's stringWithString:theString
> 	set the cleanString to theString's stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:(current application's NSCharacterSet's whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet)
> 	return (cleanString as string)
> end cleanWhiteSpace
> on replaceString(sourceText, searchString, replacementString)
> 	set the sourceString to current application's NSString's stringWithString:sourceText
> 	return (the sourceString's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:searchString withString:replacementString) as string
> end replaceString
> (* === other === *)
> on genUID()
> 	return (do shell script "uuidgen") as string
> end genUID

The result of the script:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<fcpxml version="1.3">
    <project name="Untitled Project" uid="C8CA7C4F-DB99-4E40-8675-E00CAC27F7C4">
            <format id="r1" name="Undefined" frameDuration="1000/30000s" width="1920" height="1080"></format>
            <effect id="r2" name="TextUp" uid="somePosixPath.moti"></effect>
        <sequence f="o" r="1" duration="300000/30000s" tcStart="0s" tcFormat="NDF" audioLayout="stereo" audioRate="48k">
                <!--Title No. 1 +++++++++++++++++++++-->
                <title name="first title" ref="r2" offset="0/30000s" duration="100000/30000s" start="3600s" role="titles.English">
                    <param name="Anchor Point" key="9999/16130/1999783474/1/100/107" value="768 -432"></param>
                    <param name="Layout Method" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/314" value="1 (Paragraph)"></param>
                    <param name="Fade In" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/319/322" value="0"></param>
                    <param name="Left Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/323" value="0.0880737"></param>
                    <param name="Right Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/324" value="1536.3"></param>
                    <param name="Bottom Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/326" value="-864.234"></param>
                    <param name="Alignment" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/354/1999786174/401" value="1 (Center)"></param>
                    <param name="Alignment" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/373" value="0 (Left) 2 (Bottom)"></param>
                    <param name="Color" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/32" value="0 0 0"></param>
                    <param name="Wrap Mode" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/34/5" value="1 (Repeat)"></param>
                    <param name="Width" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/36" value="2"></param>
                    <param name="Blur" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/76" value="1 1"></param>
                        <text-style ref="ts1-1">first title</text-style>
                    <text-style-def id="ts1-1">
                        <text-style font="Arial" fontSize="52" strokeColor="0 0 0 1" strokeWidth="2"></text-style>
                <!--Title No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++-->
                <title name="second title
second line" ref="r2" offset="150000/30000s" duration="80000/30000s" start="3600s" role="titles.English">
                    <param name="Anchor Point" key="9999/16130/1999783474/1/100/107" value="768 -432"></param>
                    <param name="Layout Method" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/314" value="1 (Paragraph)"></param>
                    <param name="Fade In" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/319/322" value="0"></param>
                    <param name="Left Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/323" value="0.0880737"></param>
                    <param name="Right Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/324" value="1536.3"></param>
                    <param name="Bottom Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/326" value="-864.234"></param>
                    <param name="Alignment" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/354/1999786174/401" value="1 (Center)"></param>
                    <param name="Alignment" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/373" value="0 (Left) 2 (Bottom)"></param>
                    <param name="Color" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/32" value="0 0 0"></param>
                    <param name="Wrap Mode" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/34/5" value="1 (Repeat)"></param>
                    <param name="Width" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/36" value="2"></param>
                    <param name="Blur" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/76" value="1 1"></param>
                        <text-style ref="ts2-1">second title</text-style>
                        <text-style ref="ts2-2">
                        <text-style ref="ts2-3">second line</text-style>
                    <text-style-def id="ts2-1">
                        <text-style font="Arial" fontSize="52" strokeColor="0 0 0 1" strokeWidth="2"></text-style>
                    <text-style-def id="ts2-2">
                        <text-style font="Arial" fontSize="52" strokeColor="0 0 0 1" strokeWidth="2"></text-style>
                    <text-style-def id="ts2-3">
                        <text-style font="Arial" fontSize="52" strokeColor="0 0 0 1" strokeWidth="2"></text-style>
                <!--Title No. 3 +++++++++++++++++++++-->
                <title name="third title" ref="r2" offset="240000/30000s" duration="120000/30000s" start="3600s" role="titles.English">
                    <param name="Anchor Point" key="9999/16130/1999783474/1/100/107" value="768 -432"></param>
                    <param name="Layout Method" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/314" value="1 (Paragraph)"></param>
                    <param name="Fade In" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/319/322" value="0"></param>
                    <param name="Left Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/323" value="0.0880737"></param>
                    <param name="Right Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/324" value="1536.3"></param>
                    <param name="Bottom Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/326" value="-864.234"></param>
                    <param name="Alignment" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/354/1999786174/401" value="1 (Center)"></param>
                    <param name="Alignment" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/373" value="0 (Left) 2 (Bottom)"></param>
                    <param name="Color" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/32" value="0 0 0"></param>
                    <param name="Wrap Mode" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/34/5" value="1 (Repeat)"></param>
                    <param name="Width" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/36" value="2"></param>
                    <param name="Blur" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/76" value="1 1"></param>
                        <text-style ref="ts3-1">third title</text-style>
                    <text-style-def id="ts3-1">
                        <text-style font="Arial" fontSize="52" strokeColor="0 0 0 1" strokeWidth="2"></text-style>
                <!--Title No. 4 +++++++++++++++++++++-->
                <title name="4th title
second line" ref="r2" offset="400000/30000s" duration="180000/30000s" start="3600s" role="titles.English">
                    <param name="Anchor Point" key="9999/16130/1999783474/1/100/107" value="768 -432"></param>
                    <param name="Layout Method" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/314" value="1 (Paragraph)"></param>
                    <param name="Fade In" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/319/322" value="0"></param>
                    <param name="Left Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/323" value="0.0880737"></param>
                    <param name="Right Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/324" value="1536.3"></param>
                    <param name="Bottom Margin" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/326" value="-864.234"></param>
                    <param name="Alignment" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/354/1999786174/401" value="1 (Center)"></param>
                    <param name="Alignment" key="9999/16130/1999783474/2/373" value="0 (Left) 2 (Bottom)"></param>
                    <param name="Color" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/32" value="0 0 0"></param>
                    <param name="Wrap Mode" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/34/5" value="1 (Repeat)"></param>
                    <param name="Width" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/36" value="2"></param>
                    <param name="Blur" key="9999/16130/1999783474/5/3008338027/30/76" value="1 1"></param>
                        <text-style ref="ts4-1">4th title</text-style>
                        <text-style ref="ts4-2">
                        <text-style ref="ts4-3">second line</text-style>
                    <text-style-def id="ts4-1">
                        <text-style font="Arial" fontSize="52" strokeColor="0 0 0 1" strokeWidth="2"></text-style>
                    <text-style-def id="ts4-2">
                        <text-style font="Arial" fontSize="52" strokeColor="0 0 0 1" strokeWidth="2"></text-style>
                    <text-style-def id="ts4-3">
                        <text-style font="Arial" fontSize="52" strokeColor="0 0 0 1" strokeWidth="2"></text-style>

My problem still is to set a
<!DOCTYPE fcpxml>
before the root.
Additionally I don’t succeed to get a “parent” of a node - looks simple, but I don’t get it.

Regarding the doctype, I have this from a different script:

-- create the DTD, although not requested for TMX
-- new() is used to create an instance of NSXMLDTD
-- then, various methods are used to create the DTD contents
set theDTD to current application's NSXMLDTD's new()
theDTD's setName:"tmx"
theDTD's setPublicID:"-//LISA OSCAR:1998//DTD for Translation Memory eXchange//EN"
theDTD's setSystemID:"tmx14.dtd"

-- create the XML document
-- then creation of the root elements (<tmx>) and it's only attribute
set tmxRoot to current application's NSXMLNode's elementWithName:"tmx"
set tmxVersion to (current application's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:"version" stringValue:"1.4")
(tmxRoot's addAttribute:tmxVersion)

-- creation of the TMX document
-- alloc() is used to create a new instance of the NSXMLDocument class
-- to complete the initialization process, init is required
-- then, vaious methods are used to create the root parameters
set theTMXdocument to current application's NSXMLDocument's alloc()'s initWithRootElement:tmxRoot
theTMXdocument's setDocumentContentKind:(current application's NSXMLDocumentXMLKind)
theTMXdocument's setCharacterEncoding:"UTF-8"
theTMXdocument's setDTD:theDTD

And I get this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE tmx PUBLIC "-//LISA OSCAR:1998//DTD for Translation Memory eXchange//EN" "tmx14.dtd">

<tmx version="1.4">

Thanks Jean,

Works perfectly!
Now I’ve to solve the parent issue.

When you say you need to get the parent of a node, you mean when you parse your data after it’s created ? Or do you mean you want to create a parent node and then put children there?

When I parse an XML (The other way is simple). While from the docs it seems to be simple to get it I always get errors.

Do you have a sample that we could try ?

I got solved it.
During the test coding I made other errors - the combinations of errors caused this not to work.

set parNode to theNode’s |parent|

Don’t forget the parens:

theNode's |parent|()

Sometimes it doesn’t matter, but other times it’s quite important. Better to be safe.

Thanks Shane,

Those missing “()” might have been part of the “try & error” experiments.

A bit off topic.
The reason for my XML questions was the Satimage XMLlib which isn’t working on Mojave.
This was quite frustrating since I was trying to port my old ASS apps to ASobjC just to figure out that I’ve to re-write them again to make them work without the OSAX.
For one of the apps I now got a basic replacement using “plain” ASobjC.
It runs fine and fast on High Sierra, trying on Mojave it runs - but very slow.
Any ideas?