Application error code

I have a script that I have been using for years. It creates a text string based on the user’s input and inserts it into a BBEdit document that is in the Documents folder.

It’s stopped working, the error comes when it tells BBEdit to open the document. Here’s the error message returned:

Operation not permitted by the OS (application error code: 100001).

My list of apple error codes doesn’t include 100001, anyone know what that is?

→ Script Debugger 8.0.3 (8A49)
→ MacOS 11.6.2

What are you passing to BBEdit?

A file path(HFS)

Making it an alias fixed it.


You can’t pass paths to sandboxed apps – it has to be a file object (alias or «furl»).

Is that a BBEdit error code or does it come from Mac OS or appleScript?

Is there an updated list of error codes?

It’s a sort of catch-all error AppleScript throws.

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