ANNOUNCE: Script Debugger 7.0.11 (7A106)

A new Script Debugger 7.0.11 BETA build is available. You can download it here:

Changes for build 7A106

  • 1375: When running on Mojave and Catalina systems Script Debugger requests the user provide it with Full Disk Access to work around document save issues that can occur on these versions of macOS X.

  • 1369: Resolved an issue where dragging the thumb control to resize the editing pane failed to resize the Results & Variables tab.

  • 1354: Addressed a hang that can occur when folding a block comment.

Changes for build 7A100

  • 1365: Corrected a regression that caused dictionary search facility in the script window’s Inspector tab to fail when a script references libraries.

  • 1363: Worked around regression in Catalina that resulted in save dialogs changing the default file name to Untitled in all cases.

  • 1358: Improved saving time with Enhanced Applets.