ANNOUNCE: Script Debugger 6.0.4 (6A196)

Hi Folks,

Here’s a new Script Debugger 6.0.4 build. You can download the new build here:

##Changes in build 6A196:


  • 722: Code-completion can now also be triggered via the Complete command in the Edit menu.
  • 731: Resolved a crashing bug that can occur when creating documents from a template that cannot be found.
  • 733: Fixed problem performing a save-as of .applescript and .scpt files to some SMB volumes.
  • 736: improve handling of errOSASystemError errors reported from AppleScript API calls.
  • 737: Fixed bug where scripting’s ‘open’ command did not respect ‘showing dictionary’.

##Changes in build 6A195:

  • 720: Code signing now strips any resource forks (xattrs) within the bundle before signing. Unless they are removed, signing fails in Sierra. Also fixed a bug where the Property Persistence dialog was non-blocking.
  • 728: Resolved a problem where external debugging would fail silently when Script Debugger’s template chooser panel was the topmost window.
  • 729: Script Debugger creates a ~/Library/Components folder if required when installing the Script Debugger.component file to facilitate external debugging.

##Changes in build 6A193:

  • 581: Resolved a crashing bug that can occur when a script window is scrolled and then closed in quick succession.
  • 718: If an applet sets a value for LSMinimumSystemVersion in its Info.plist file, Script Debugger will honor it when exposing AppleScriptObjC terminology in code-completion.
  • 719: Scripting now exposes an open in tabs property of the application class.

##Changes in build 6A192:

  • 662: Addressed a crash that can occur on rare occasions when opening scripts.
  • 713: tell blocks created via drag and drop now honour the “Reference applications by ID when pasting Tell blocks” preferences setting.
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