ANNOUNCE: Script Debugger 6.0.2 (6A182)

Here’s a new Script Debugger 6.0.2 build. You can download the new build here:

Changes in 6A182:


  • 657: Resolved a problem where the Recover Damaged Script open panel would not permit you to open folders.

  • 663: Fixed issue with double-tabbing of windows. Script Debugger’s tabbing ignores Sierra’s window tabbing.

  • 664: Terminology files have been updated for Sierra.

  • 665: When an applet gains or loses an on open handler, Script Debugger properly cleans up any pre-existing applet or droplet executable within the script’s application bundle.

  • 678: New boolean expert preference PrefNavigationMenuMarkersInterleaved. When set to YES and Sort table of contents menu alphabetically is off, markers will appear in their relative location rather than grouped together at the top of the Navigation menu. The default is NO, reflecting existing behavior.

  • 681: Script Debugger correctly displays the body property in the Note object of the Apple Notes application. This change benefits all applications utilizing the <contents .../> SDEF element.

  • 687: Fixed a regression where extended clippings directives were not recognized in Text Substitutions.

  • 690: Resolved a crash that can occur when working with NSPredicate objects in AppleScriptObjC.

  • 694: Correct variable name errors in the Digital Hub template script.

  • 695: Help menu has new menu item linking to video tutorials.