I’d suggest reading up on the basic AppleScript types.
That said, dates are not very intuitive. AppleScript dates are mutable. Something like this will allow you to set a time with the current date:
set list_choice to choose from list {"8:00", "8:30", "9:00", "9:30"} with prompt "Choose start time:" with title (my name as string)
if list_choice is false then error "User canceled." number -128
set list_choice to item 1 of list_choice
set time_separator_offset to offset of ":" in list_choice
set choice_hours to text 1 thru (time_separator_offset - 1) of list_choice
set choice_minutes to text (time_separator_offset + 1) thru (time_separator_offset + 2) of list_choice
set start_time to current date
set hours of start_time to choice_hours as integer
set minutes of start_time to choice_minutes as integer
set seconds of start_time to 0
return start_time
In future, you will have more success on the forum if you post the code with proper code formatting, and not a screenshot.
Thanks - that’s really helpful. Can I check where you learned about the basic Applescript Types? I’ve read parts of Sal’s book, but there’s very little on time which was applicable.
I find the most useful reference to be Matt Neuberg’s AppleScript: The Definitive Guide (2e). It’s very old at this point, but it almost all applies to present-day AppleScript.