Add sequential numbering to Folder depending on variable


I need a little help with a script I’m working on.
I have a script that basically creates a folder with the current date.month.year with a prefix of 00 |
So final folder looks like this 00 | 07.03.2019, depending on the date.

I was hoping to add to the script so that it looks in the location and if folders within are say:
01 | 05.03.2019
02 | 06.03.2019
03 | 07.03.2019

Instead of adding a folder of just 00 | 08.03.2019
It looks and the prefix of the exisiting folders and then sequentially numbers the folder to 04 | 08.03.2019

This is my script so far:

tell application "Finder"
		if exists Finder window 1 then
			set thisPath to (the target of the front window) as alias
			set thisPath to (path to desktop)
		end if
	on error
	end try
end tell

set x to my the_perfect_datestring()
if x is not "-ERROR" then
	set fullPath to thisPath & x as text
	tell application "Finder"
			if not (exists fullPath) then
				set y to make new folder at thisPath with properties {name:x}
			end if
			open y
		end try
	end tell
end if
on the_perfect_datestring()
		set cd to (the current date)
		set the_year to year of (cd) as number
		set the_month to month of (cd) as number
		set the_day to day of (cd) as number
		if the_month < 10 then set the_month to "0" & the_month
		if the_day < 10 then set the_day to "0" & the_day
		return (("00 | " & the_day & "." & the_month & "." & the_year) as string)
	on error
		return "-ERROR"
	end try
end the_perfect_datestring

Just to be clear, if there is not a “00 | 08.03.2019” should it look for a " 01.03.2019"?

Here’s a quick and dirty version. It’s very inefficient because it repeats the part where it gets the date segments for the folder name. That could be streamlined.

tell application "Finder"
      if exists Finder window 1 then
         set thisPath to (the target of the front window) as alias
         set thisPath to (path to desktop)
      end if
   on error
   end try
end tell

set x to my the_perfect_datestring(0)
if x is not "-ERROR" then
   set fullPath to thisPath & x as text
      tell application "Finder"
            if not (exists fullPath) then
               set y to make new folder at thisPath with properties {name:x}
               exit repeat
               set prefix to word 1 of x as number
               set prefix to prefix + 1
               set x to my the_perfect_datestring(prefix)
               set fullPath to thisPath & x as text
            end if
         end repeat
         open y
      end tell
   end try
end if

on the_perfect_datestring(prefix)
      set cd to (the current date)
      set the_year to year of (cd) as number
      set the_month to month of (cd) as number
      set the_day to day of (cd) as number
      if the_month < 10 then set the_month to "0" & the_month
      if the_day < 10 then set the_day to "0" & the_day
      if prefix < 10 then set prefix to "0" & prefix as text
      return ((prefix & " | " & the_day & "." & the_month & "." & the_year) as string)
   on error
      return "-ERROR"
   end try
end the_perfect_datestring

Here’s a slightly better version…

tell application "Finder"
      if exists Finder window 1 then
         set thisPath to (the target of the front window) as alias
         set thisPath to (path to desktop)
      end if
   on error
   end try
end tell

set folderRoot to my the_perfect_datestring()
if folderRoot is not "-ERROR" then
   set folderName to "00" & folderRoot as text
   set fullPath to thisPath & folderName as text
   set prefix to 0
   tell application "Finder"
         if not (exists fullPath) then
            set newFolder to make new folder at thisPath with properties {name:folderName}
            exit repeat
            set prefix to prefix + 1
            if prefix < 10 then set prefix to "0" & prefix as text
            set folderName to prefix & folderRoot
            set fullPath to thisPath & folderName as text
         end if
      end repeat
      open newFolder
   end tell
end if

on the_perfect_datestring()
      set cd to (the current date)
      set the_year to year of (cd) as number
      set the_month to month of (cd) as number
      set the_day to day of (cd) as number
      if the_month < 10 then set the_month to "0" & the_month
      if the_day < 10 then set the_day to "0" & the_day
      return ((" | " & the_day & "." & the_month & "." & the_year) as string)
   on error
      return "-ERROR"
   end try
end the_perfect_datestring

This is exactly what I’m after. Thank you estockly!

Hi both.

As it stands, the script errors when prefix gets up to 10 because folderName then gets set to a list. (Integer & text --> {integer, text}.) Also, once the folder gets quite full and you have to do several tests before finding a vacant name, it may be faster to check candidate names against a list of existing names instead of having the Finder individually check for the existence of each item on disk. (Edit: Although come to think of it, it depends on how many folders there are per date. Do the numbers reset to zero for each date, or do they have to follow through in sequence regardless? If there’s only one folder per date, it would be easier to leave out the prefix and format the date in order instead.)

Nice catch, Nigel, I must have stopped before I got to 10 folders!

Here’s a new version with Nigel’s comments taken into account.

(Also, in this version I noted out the Open command, so I can just run it and run it without having to bring the containing folder to the front each time. When done experimenting with it, unnote that line

tell application "Finder"
      if exists Finder window 1 then
         set thisPath to (the target of the front window) as alias
         set thisPath to (path to desktop)
      end if
   on error
   end try
end tell

set folderRoot to my the_perfect_datestring()
if folderRoot is not "-ERROR" then
   set folderName to "00" & folderRoot as text
   set fullPath to thisPath & folderName as text
   set prefix to 0
   tell application "Finder"
      set listOfFolderNames to the name of every folder of thisPath
         if folderName is not in listOfFolderNames then
            --if not (exists fullPath) then
            set newFolder to make new folder at thisPath with properties {name:folderName}
            exit repeat
            set prefix to prefix + 1
            if prefix < 10 then set prefix to "0" & prefix as text
            set folderName to (prefix as text) & folderRoot
            set fullPath to thisPath & folderName as text
         end if
      end repeat
      --open newFolder
   end tell
end if

on the_perfect_datestring()
      set cd to (the current date)
      set the_year to year of (cd) as number
      set the_month to month of (cd) as number
      set the_day to day of (cd) as number
      if the_month < 10 then set the_month to "0" & the_month
      if the_day < 10 then set the_day to "0" & the_day
      return ((" | " & the_day & "." & the_month & "." & the_year) as string)
   on error
      return "-ERROR"
   end try
end the_perfect_datestring

Also, if this were my script I’d do things a little differently. Particularly I wouldn’t use “.” in the names. I’d prefer “-”

DRicho hasn’t answered my question about what to do when the date changes, but here’s a version in which the prefices don’t go back to “00”:

	tell application "Finder" to set thisPath to (the target of the front Finder window) as alias
on error
	set thisPath to (path to desktop)
end try

set folderRoot to my the_perfect_datestring()

set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
tell application "Finder" to set existingNames to linefeed & name of every item of thisPath
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid

set prefix to 0
	if (prefix < 10) then
		set namePrefix to "0" & prefix & " | "
		set namePrefix to (prefix as text) & " | "
	end if
	if (existingNames contains (linefeed & namePrefix)) then
		set prefix to prefix + 1
		tell application "Finder" to set newFolder to (make new folder at thisPath with properties {name:namePrefix & folderRoot})
		exit repeat
	end if
end repeat

tell application "Finder"
	open newFolder
end tell

on the_perfect_datestring()
	set {year:the_year, month:the_month, day:the_day} to (current date)
	tell (the_year * 10000 + the_month * 100 + the_day as text) to return text 7 thru 8 & "." & text 5 thru 6 & "." & text 1 thru 4
end the_perfect_datestring

Hi Nigel,

Sorry for the late reply, I have been away. Thank you for your script. I’m very much a beginner when it comes to scripting. I usually borrow peoples scrips and adjust accordingly so they probably are not the best.
Your script works great!
Just a quick one: if the Year was to display as 19 and not 2019 how would I go about this?
Thanks again.


Hi D.

At the end of the penultimate line of the script, change text 1 thru 4 to text 3 thru 4. So the full handler would be:

on the_perfect_datestring()
	set {year:the_year, month:the_month, day:the_day} to (current date)
	tell (the_year * 10000 + the_month * 100 + the_day as text) to return text 7 thru 8 & "." & text 5 thru 6 & "." & text 3 thru 4
end the_perfect_datestring

The tell line calculates an eight-digit number from the date properties (so today would be 20190313), coerces it to text, and picks out the digit substrings in the required order. Any leading zeros occur naturally in the eight-digit number. AppleScript month constants are coerced to integer (or are treated as such) automatically when mathematical operations are applied to them:

March * 100 --> 300

Thanks Nigel! I should have been able to figure that out, but you explain it very well.