Script Debugger 7 is BETA: What To Test

As of build 7A21, Script Debugger 7 has reached a point where it is functionally complete and we are declaring it Beta. Everything listed in the Script Debugger 7 Release Notes should be operating.

To help you focus your testing efforts, the following are some areas of the application that need to be exercised.

New Bundle Editing Tools

Script Debugger’s bundle editor now lets you more easily create droplet scripts by letting you select the file extensions and/or Universal Type Identifiers (UTIs) for the types of file you want your script to process.

The Export: Include used libraries option offers the ability to better manage the use of script libraries. It allows you to do all your editing and development using libraries stored in your ~/Library/Script Libraries folder, and have them automatically bundled into run-only applets and script bundles when you export for deployment on other computers. We are especially keen on feedback on how this works when you use libraries that themselves contain bundled frameworks.

Codesigning on Export Run-Only

It is now possible to have codesigning applied only when you export Run-Only versions of your script. You can check that applications and script bundles have been signed successfully by running this script:

set thePath to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Choose file to check for Gatekeeper conformance")
	set theResult to do shell script "spctl -a -t execute -vv " & quoted form of thePath & " 2>&1"
	display dialog theResult buttons {"OK"} default button 1
on error errMess
	display alert "Signing Failed" message errMess buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end try

Enhanced Applets

Enhanced applets should be a superset of Apple’s standard applet shell. Any applet or droplet should run correctly when saved as an enhanced applet. Please try saving your existing applets as Enhanced Applications and report any differences you experience.

Enhanced applets provide their own version of most Standard Additions dialogs so they can appear as sheets attached to the application’s window. If you see any behaviour in these dialogs that is inconsistent with the normal versions, we need to know about it.

Versions Browser

You should be able to browse previous versions, as well as run in both normal and debug mode inside the version browser. Otherwise, it should behave like version browsing in any other app that supports it. Note that it only works when files are saved on volumes that support it.

Script Debugger 5 & 6 have been saving Versions compatible documents so you should immediately be able to review your document’s past history.

Explorer Variable Editing

Please review this video:

Once you have a sense of what is possible, please experiment with editing lists while debugging and report anything that seems off to you.

Explorer Application Object Editing

This is a feature that we are not sure about. This could be a great thing or it could be a source of frustration because of the high degree of variability in how each application implements its scripting interface.

Please review this video:

Once you have a sense of what is possible, please experiment with editing lists while debugging and report anything that seems off to you.

Explorer Recording

Once you have a feel for how Explorer Application Object Editing works, please try recording your actions. The recorded scripts should faithfully reproduce the actions performed in the explorer.