I'm liking the new forum, but

Actually, there is no but. This is a big improvement. It’s even useable on the iPhone.

I think there should be a beta testers section set up soon so we never have to go back to yahoo.

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I have to agree. Now that I’ve had some time to adjust I find I prefer this model of interaction better. The use of topics makes it easier for me to follow “threads” of discussion compared to the old mailing list. I’m also pleased to see the range of topics discussed broaden out to include AppleScript issues as well as Script Debugger issues.

I still have a lot of work ahead of me to get the SD-Talk mailing list folks to come on over. We have 33 discourse users out of the 300+ SD-Talk mailing list users and the 30 SD-Beta-Talk members.

I’m working on moving the beta discussions over to forum.latenightsw.com. Now that we are all becoming comfortable with Discourse this seems like an obvious next move.