ANNOUNCE: Script Debugger 7.0 (7A25)

A new Script Debugger 7.0 BETA build is available. You can update to this new build within Script Debugger using the Check For Updates command in the Script Debugger menu or you can download here:

Release Notes

Script Debugger 7 Release Notes

Enhanced Applet Release Notes

Bundle Editor Release Notes

Scripts & Clippings Changes

Script Debugger 7 Explorer Variable Editing

Script Debugger 7 Explorer Application Object Editing & Recording

Changes for build 7A25

  • 893: If there is a problem with codesigning when saving or exporting a file, the file will now still be saved, unsigned, and a warning dialog displayed.

  • 901: Resolved a problem with enhanced applets where the progress window does not appear for applets that don’t have an on open handler.

  • 899: Resolved a crash that occurs when deselecting all templates in the template chooser and then pressing the Choose button.

  • 782: The Merge All Windows command on the Windows menu will merge all open script documents as tabs in the frontmost window.

  • 894: Codesign menus are now also disabled if the xcode-select path is invalid.

  • 872: Script Debugger will not allow a Run-Only version to overwrite the file of an open document.

Changes for build 7A24

  • 881: Resolved a regression that prevented the resizing of panels within the Resources inspector.

  • 889: When an enhanced applet presents a AppleScript runtime error, the “Cancel” button has been renamed to “Quit”.

  • 886: Enhanced applets lacking an on open handler and saved with the Show Startup option enabled run without displaying a main window. Sheets displayed with the display alert, display dialog, choose file, choose file name, choose folder and choose from list commands now displayed as app-modal alerts with a title bar.

  • 882: Resolved a series of issues with enhanced applets that cause the progress window to fail to appear when an applet lacking an on open handler and with the Show Startup option disabled.

  • 660: Script Debugger now issues a warning when saving a script with an unknown code signing identity. Options are given to continue (without code signing) or enable the option to code sign on export.

  • 789: Upgraded the regular expression engine used in Script Debugger to the latest offered by Apple (NSRegularExpression).

  • 891: Corrected a regression where new scripts created with the New Script menu item are created in tabs when the Open In Tabs preference setting is checked.

Changes for build 7A23

  • 870: Fixes issues with window placement when document tabs are dragged between screens.

  • 74: Improved the insertion of newlines within the context of AppleScript lists.

  • 810: Improved the creation of new script when using script templates that include script library references.

  • 723: Script Debugger now issues a warning when asked to save a script with an incorrect filename extension. You are given the option to continue or have the filename extension corrected.

  • 55: Moved the Done button in search dialog to make it less likely to be hidden in narrow windows.

  • 879: Removed initial caps from headings in dictionary display and tweaked vertical spacing.

Changes for build 7A22

  • 872: Script Debugger will not allow a Run-Only version to overwrite the file of an open document.

  • 863: Fixes regression that broke exporting run-only via script.

  • 866: Fixes issue where dragging a file with the correct extension on to an editor window would not offer the option of invoking the script’s open handler.

  • 868: The initial text selection is now correct when expanding a template without clipping directives that control text selection (i.e. [[select...]]).

  • 864: Revised all the script templates to use the [[copyright]] clipping directive. This allows all templates to respond to changes made to the copyright user preference setting.

  • 766: Added support for a new tag in clippings and text substitutions to ensure a use statement for a library is included in the script. The form of the tag can be either [[*library:libname]] or [[*library:libvariable:libversion:libname]]. In the latter case, libvariable and libversion can be empty strings to avoid the parameter being added, so [[*library:libname]] and [[*library:::libname]] are identical. In cases where there is an existing use statement for the library, if there is a conflict of variable names or the new version number is higher than that already defined, a second user statement will be added. This will result in an error at compile time, alerting you to the conflict. If there is no issue, the specified parameters will be added to the existing statement where necessary.

  • 871: Provide retina versions of tab control artwork.

  • 873: Fixes drawing issue in dictionaries inspector pane after dragging document tab between windows.

  • 644: When an event returns an error, the Event Log contextual menu’s Copy Event Result command will be replaced with a Copy Event Error command.

  • 869: Corrected a text layout bug that can cause slowdowns when typing, selecting, opening, and compiling scripts.

  • 860: Revised Demo and Lite menu icons.

  • 875: The model demo/lite alert is only appears once per day when Script Debugger is launched.

Changes for build 7A21

  • 497: When you type (* at the end of a line and Auto-pair delimiters is on, the closing *) is inserted automatically.

  • 858: Corrected a bug that prevented Finder file instances from being dragged into folder or container instances.

  • 859: Improve validation when dragging application object instances into element collections.

  • 856: Script Debugger 7 now imports preferences settings (including text substitutions) from previous Script Debugger versions (6, 5 & 4) when launched for the first time.

Changes for build 7A20

  • 845: changed the idd text substitution to create a template field for the the -- your code goes here portion of the text substitution.

  • 846: The Enhanced applet’s display dialog sheet is no longer resizable, to match the behavior of Standard Additions.

  • 847: Enhanced Applet’s display dialog sheet will make a button called Cancel the cancel button, unless the cancel button parameter directs otherwise. This matches Standard Additions’ behavior.

  • 839: Corrected a series of Script Debugger 7 regressions that rendered many properties of the script document and script window classes inoperable. You should now be able to get/set all properties of these scripting interface classes.

  • 557: Setting a windows index property now re-orders the window correctly. Negative indexes (relative to the end of the window list) are supported.

  • 849: It is now possible to drag items around within Explorers. Dragging an item within a list moves the item, option-dragging within a list copies the item. Dragging an element around within an application’s element hierarchy moves the element within that application. Option-dragging an element around within an application’s s element hierarchy copies the element within that application.

  • 850: When AppleScript recording is on, Explorer operations (set, delete, move, copy) that effect a remote operation are recorded.

  • 754: Improved explorer element introspection so that element entries are displayed with the greatest fidelity possible based either on the dictionary defined type of the element collection or the object type of the object specifier returned by the application for the element instance. For instance, elements of the Finder’s files collection which are actually document file instances are displayed as document file objects rather than as file objects.

  • 852: Improve filtering of invalid URLs when the kPrefDictRenderURLStrings expert preference is set to true.

  • 63: Improve error reporting when the kPrefDictRenderURLStrings expert preference is true and the web view fails to load the URL.

  • 779: Creating a new document via scripting now honours the Open In Tabs preferences setting.

  • 828: Enhanced Applets now restore their window size and position.

  • 655: The way in which the Script menu and the Clippings menu and Clippings pane are populated has changed. See separate release notes for details.

  • 854: Improved Event Log display by removing the line # column, combining the event duration and time into a single column and improving the display of events and replies.

  • 778: Corrected a drawing bug that made text unreadable when based at a statement within a deeply recurring handler.

  • 756: When recovering damaged compiled data fork scripts, Script Debugger will fall back to using the QuickLook text resource if the backup text resource is missing.

  • 377: The dictionary window no longer lists applications that have been moved to the trash.

  • 855: Resolved issues that could cause exporting of code-signed scripts to fail.

  • 820: Resolved a Script Debugger 7 regression that prevented the resizing of multiple splitters when dragging a splitter in the Results & Variables tab.

  • 758: Bundle support has been significantly enhanced. See separate release notes for details.

  • 793: Revised demo expiration to allow for continued use of Script Debugger in “Lite” mode.

  • 168: The Edit -> AppleScriptObjC -> Migrate to Properties command will offer to compile an uncompiled script.

  • 829: Enhanced applets now respond to subroutine calls, just as the standard Apple applets do.

Changes for build 7A18

  • 801: Update dictionary description appearance.

  • 648: Code completion is again summonsed by the esc key.

  • 612: The Resources list contextual menu has a new menu item, Add Script Libraries Folder, which creates a Script Libraries folder in the correct directory.

  • 832: Fixed a regression that disabled AppleScriptObjC code-completion.

  • 834: Results for Cocoa objects with very long descriptions will have them truncated.

  • 837: Enhanced applet scripting addition overrides activate to show sheets.

  • 842: Corrected a bug that prevents the deletion of script variables using the explorer when debugging is enabled.

  • 843: Enhanced Applets now show a Startup Screen when they contain an on open handler.

  • 838: Corrected a bug in Enhanced Applets where launching the applet by dropping files on it would cause the applet to fail to launch properly.

  • 844: When an Enhanced Applet has its Show Startup flag set to TRUE and an empty script description, the following text appears in the applet’s startup screen: Your script’s description goes here.

Changes for build 7A17

Changes for build 7A16

  • 794: Corrected a bug where the Toggle Debugging toolbar item was not available when debugging is disabled.

  • 816: If you edit a sub-item value of a global variable (list or record), and then reset the variable’s value by re-running the script, the explorer will correctly display the list or record’s subitem values.

  • 817: You can delete sub-items items of list and records in explorers. You can also delete global variables/properties and properties of script objects from the variables explorer.

  • 818: You can now delete individual elements and element collections directly form application explorers.

  • 819: Clicking a window close button while in the version browser now exits the browser.

  • 823: Advance copyright date to 2018.

  • 547: The Open Quickly panel displays one entry for multiple search hits (name, content) on a single file. Relevance is the maximum of name or content search hits.

  • 827: Allow Script Debugger 7 beta builds to auto-update via Sparkle.

Changes for build 7A12

  • 777: Remove any existing Script Debugger.plist file when exporting as Run-Only.