Option return depends on which option key?

I’ll let you know as soon as it happens again.

Just happened a few minutes ago (the first time since your post). Tried both option keys with return in multiple windows and it wouldn’t work.

Then I tried the command-return key combo and that worked, and the option-return combo worked too.

I do a lot of keyboard shortcuts in TextWrangler using control and a few using option, and I was using those before this happened. Not sure if it’s related.

This may be it.
I was trying to make this script:

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {",", ",,,", ",,", " ", "  ", "   ", "    ", return, linefeed}

Look like this (don’t ask why):

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {",", ¬
	",,,", ¬
	",,", ¬
	" ", ¬
	"  ", ¬
	"   ", ¬
	"    ", ¬
	return, ¬

When I tried to make the first continuation character (command-option) in the uncompiled script, it failed.

I tried the command-return, and that worked. I immediately hit command-option and got the continuation character. So I placed the cursor in position in the list to insert the continuation character where I wanted it and it failed again. Command-return worked, and command-option worked right after, but not when the cursor was in the correct position in the list.

I then compiled the script and tried again and command-option worked.

I’ve repeated this several times in multiple windows.

Further updates: If I place the cursor immediately after the comma separating list items, it works. If I place the cursor immediately after the space following the comma, it fails.

Also, this only fails with text lists. (At least it doesn’t fail if the list is just numbers).

Here’s a simpler example (without those confusing commas and spaces from the first:

{“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”}

Place the cursor after the space following the first comma and hit option-return and it fails.

Quit and relaunched and same thing. Tried it on El Capitan and same thing

Can anyone reproduce?

–>Script Debugger 6.0.5 (6A203) on Mac OS 10.11.6 (15G31)

Tried it at home last night, also on El Capitan, and again, same behavior. This is 100% reproducible on multiple macs running both Yosemite and El Capitan.

Yes, I can reproduce it here.

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OK, thanks for confirming, I was beginning to think it was just me. :confused:

It was difficult to track down because I had no idea why it would work sometimes and not others. For a time it seemed like which option key I hit or drag and drop, but it is all attributed to where I placed the cursor in a list each time I tried to add a continuation.