Hi Mark,
While there is a ton of good, even excellent references, I have never found a really good tutorial site for AppleScript.
But to start from the very beginning with no knowledge of AppleScript, I almost always refer people to AppleScript: Beginner’s Tutorial – MacOSXautomation.com
Unfortunately, the site has not been updated for years, but the basics of AppleScript are still the same.
However, at the risk of incurring the wrath of my good AppleScript friends here in this forum, I would ask you this question: Should you learn AppleScript or JavaScript for Automation (JXA)?
I can tell you right now that since you have programming experience with other languages, you will learn JXA much, much faster, and you won’t suffer the frustration of trying to make sense of AppleScript.
I have to share this quote provided by @joshparnham:
“If you’re used to a programming language, AppleScript will drive you crazy” – Sal Soghoian
For a long time, Sal was the automation project manager at Apple, responsible for many things including AppleScript and JXA. Sal (@otto-automator ) if you happen to be hanging around the forum these days, I’d love for you to confirm or refute this quote.
The biggest thing that AppleScript has going for it is Script Debugger.
And Script Debugger is worth having even if you intend to program mostly in JXA.
Because SD makes it so easy to explore the various application object models.
When I am trying to write an automation script (with one or more apps) for the first time, I almost always start with AppleScript in SD to learn the app object model.
If you want to consider JXA, I’d point you to these resources:
There are a number of naysayers of both AppleScript and JXA – you just have to ignore them and try to learn from those willing to share, who know something about which they are talking. 
BTW, if you want to learn AppleScript to automate your workflows, you may also want to consider this great tool: Keyboard Maestro.
And you can get a lot of great help on the Keyboard Maestro Forum.
Anyway, you have some great choices, and a great adventure ahead of you.
Best of luck, and don’t hesitate to ask questions here and in the KM Forum.